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Alien Agenda: World War III tipping point 15 June 2012?

Canada's Independent Yellow Pages

There have been growing concern across the world about the spectre of a World War III. Growing conflicts with Iran, and the spread of wars in the Middle East have left many people to conclude that each day brings us one step closer to a World War III scenario. Many people also seem to be wondering how can we avoid such a scenario.

Could this June be the formal beginning of World War III, that was suggested by circumstantial evidence presented in “Part I: World War III tipping point: June 15, 2012 -- Miami's link to a Mayan Pentagram?” Hopefully not. But let me ask you this. What would you do if someone presented you with two glasses of milk, with one glass with fresh milk, and the other with spoiled milk? Most people would probably examine the glass of milk to try to discern which glass had the fresh milk from the spoiled milk.

There are many of us who have heard speculation of some kind of nuclear Armageddon that is “scheduled” to take place sometime in 2012, in relation to the Mayan Calendar, the “End of Times“ as a precursor to a “New World Order“. This may sound nutty. However, how do you think many people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan near the end of World War II in early August 1945 would have reacted to a “rumour” that then next day the U.S. was going to drop a nuclear bomb over their head. Probably to the same disbelief that you might react to such “speculation”. Those who ignore the lessons of history are potentially doomed to repeat it.

More information?  Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/world-war-iii-and-nuclear-holocaust-archons-pursue-tipping-point-15-june-2012?cid=db_articles


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