UFO: Georgia witness reports Cylinder-shaped object

A Hart County, GA, witness reports watching a "large, flying, cylinder-shaped object" moving overhead, according to May 31, 2012, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was standing outside on a deck when the object was first seen moving fast to the east.

"As it approached it almost resembled a torpedo or bomb and seem to be in a maneuvered descent," the witness stated. "It came in at a 120-degree angle, flew overhead and I saw a large white ring in the middle of what I believe was the undercarriage. The ring appeared to be metal with integrated 'teeth,' much like that of a gear, facing inward toward the ring's center. In the center of the ring was another, smaller, dark-colored ring with something in the center of it that I cannot identify. Two smaller, dark-colored or black rings were equidistant from the center white ring and within these was a non-reflective gray material. There was no insignia, writing, numbers, wings, propellers, portholes or blades of any kind."

More information?  Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/cylinder-shaped-object-reported-crossing-georgia-s-hart-county

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