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Extraterrestrials: Iowa witness reports glowing apparent alien entity

An Iowa witness reports that he or she saw an apparent interdimensional-like alien on 24 May 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Iowa is a state in the American Midwest.

The witness reports what he or she was doing before the sighting.

“Myself and two of my neighbours were outside around 9:30 pm discussing a previous encounter with an orb.”

The witness described the weather.

“It was clear out.”

Soon after, the witness reports seeing an apparent alien.

As my neighbour was talking, and showing me what he had seen, out of the corner of my eye I saw An unusual light on the railroad tracks.”

The witness decided to take an closer look at the unusual light.

“As I looked closer, I noticed it was human-like.”

The witness described the height of the apparent alien entity.

“It was about 7-9 tall, and human -shaped, and an inner light emitted from its chest.”

More information?  Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/iowa-witness-reports-glowing-apparent-alien?cid=db_articles


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