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Extraterrestrials: Texas witness reports aliens appearing as shadow entities

A Texas witness reports that she saw apparent apparent alien-like entities on 2 June 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Texas is a state in the American southwest.

Dr. John Lash indicates that the ancient Pagan Gnostics sought to warn humanity through their written texts about alien entities which they called ’Archons’.

David Icke’s testimony also provides possible insights into the apparent alien sightings of a Texas witness.

The Texas witness notes that she did not see an accompanying UFO with the apparent alien sighting.

“I awoke and a shadow caught my attention; but I did not see a UFO in the air.”

The witness soon became shocked.

“At first I thought it was my eyes, I’m 31 and have never been so freaked out in my life.”

The witness reported the reaction of their dog. The witness had suddenly woke up in apparent reaction to the shadow-like entity.

More information?  Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/archons-texas-witness-reports-aliens-appearing-as-shadow-entities?cid=db_articles


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