UFO · Exopolitics 2687 Views by Raymond

UFO: North Carolina stake out uncovers alien-like spacecraft

A North Carolina witness reports UFO activity on 9 June 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness decided to go on a “stake out” for UFO activity.

“I went on the MUFON-NC website Saturday afternoon and read about recent sightings in NC. Being familiar with Belmont, I was intrigued by a recent report. So, I invited a friend, Nancy Queen, to go to a boat docking area Saturday night and stake out the area.”

The witness described the location of the UFO “stake out“.

“This location is about a mile south of the Allen Stream Plant in Belmont, NC.”

The witness described when the “stake out” began.

“We arrived at the site about 7:30pm and took a few pictures.”

The witness described activities associated with the “stake out”.

“When it started getting dark, I mounted my camera on a tripod and waited to see if anything got our attention.”

The witness described UFO activity that he or she began to witness.

More information?  Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/ufo-north-carolina-reports-alien-like-orange-cylinder-spacecraft?cid=db_articles


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