UFO · Exopolitics 3739 Views by Raymond

UFO: Jets glide toward orbs over Washington and Ohio

A New York witness reports a jet chasing an orb on 10 June 2012 according to testimony from UFO Sightings Daily. In Ohio a different witness reports an aeroplane travelling in the vicinity of an orb on 12 June 2012 according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

In Ohio, a witness describes a previous sighting in order to provide some background information to his or her current sighting.

“Since having a sighting in my backyard over Memorial Day weekend, I have been watching the sky at night.”

The witness elaborated on his or her U.S. Memorial Day sighting.

I had observed on several occasions the same pulsing/strobing star in the distance that had previously floated over my neighbourhood that weekend.

The witness makes notes on the lights associated with this particular sighting.

“Last night, my sighting consisted of some flashing lights over the treeline.

More information?  Go to: http://www.examiner.com/article/ufo-jets-glide-toward-orbs-over-washington-and-ohio?cid=db_articles


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