UFO: South Carolina witness reports unusual lights

A witness has reported UFO activity over Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on the 24th of October 2012, at midnight. The Canadian cites witness testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), as filed on 24th of October 2012.

The witness also described what he was doing when the alleged sighting occurred. He also described the colour of the lights from the UFO.

“I was sitting outside my house watching the sky. In the corner of my eye I saw a ball of light in the sky reddish orangish colour."

The witness has described his reaction at the alleged sighting. He also mentions that he saw additional lights (objects) when he looked back.

“I looked and it faded out. I shook it off and looked in the other direction. Then I looked back in curiosity and 3 big lights were in the same as the one before.”

The witness mentions what he did after the second sighting and also talks about more sightings.

"I got nervous so I yelled for my bother and he came outside. We watched it for a couple seconds and its vanished again. The one light appeared again, and six different lights appeared right next to it in a line... then they all vanished and that was it."

According to the witness, this is not the first time they have seen UFOs in that region, in the last few months.

"It's the third time I’ve seen this in the last seven months."

The above quotes were edited for clarity. We request the readers to keep in mind that many reports of UFO sightings can be explained scientifically as natural phenomenon. 

There has been diverse activity reported in South Carolina.


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