Alien Minds: Alberta Tar Sands threaten BC Coastal Waters

In the last decade, our industrial societies in some ways have made significant progress toward living in more environmentally sustainable ways. More people are recycling than ever before in Canada, and many more of us make decisions with the environmental impacts in mind. Nowadays, children are being taught in Canada, and elsewhere to be good stewards of the planet as part of their school lessons. Environmental themes have indeed a very powerful part of our culture. So, why, then, are such unsustainable and irresponsible projects as harvesting the Alberta Tar-Sands still pursued with such vigour? Could it be that our leaders are simply out of touch with the values of the common people? Or, could it be that our leaders are being forced by some kind of "alien force"?

In March 22, 2006, a tanker called the Queen of the North sank in Wright Sound. When the tanker sank, it flooded the sound with hundreds of thousands of litres of diesel and other hazardous chemicals. After the initial accident, the entire sound was covered in diesel; six years later, community members still regularly encounter patches of toxic chemicals on the water.

How have we learned from this tragedy? Have strict new regulations been enacted to prevent future accidents? Hardly. In fact, legislators in both Canada and the United States have pursued agendas that would increase petroleum production in Alberta.

The most recent of these proposals is the Northern Gateway Pipeline, which would allow tankers to carry hundreds of millions of litres of bitumen from the area. Such increased production would lead to corresponding increases in air pollution, increased tanker traffic (and thus risk of accident) in Wright Sound, and a host of other environmental issues.

When choices to increase petroleum production are made, it is not with the best interests of our biosphere in mind. Dr. John Lash provides us with an explanatory context which suggests that anti-environmental decisions are being made by entities lacking a spiritual-biotic connection to our planet.

If we are to accept the proposals of Dr John Lash's Archon hypothesis, then it is entirely possible that these reckless decisions are being made at the behest of reported alien entities which operate through minds in human vessels.

According to Lash, the Archons are (and always have been) the primary threat against humanity. These beings do not have the same connection to the planet Earth or living things the way we do, as humans. Thus, the reason our leaders are perpetually making anti-environmental decisions is because they do so on behalf of their Archon overlord "shadow" entities. Dr. Lash appears to seek to implore us, as humans, to recognize the context of the actions that harm our environment in the name of profit and progress. That apparent context is an attack on our planet Earth from the very elite-driven institutions on our planet Earth that mislead and mis-direct us, as humans, into viewing such institutions as defenders of "freedoms", human rights, "liberties", and agencies of "environmental protection". Dr. Lash suggests that we must recognize ourselves as the higher dimensional social beings that we are of empathy, peace, and love, and not the pawns of the Archons.


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