UFO: Craft-like Object leaves Mexican Volcano

It is evident from the Live Cam produced pictures that a long craft emerged from the volcano mouth in Mexico. The incident took place in Popocatepeti, Mexico on the 15th of November, 2012. The famous incident has been caught in pictures by Live Cam and has been viewed by several individuals.

Reviewing the pictures closely and estimating the time Live Cam releases a new picture, it is evident that the long, cylindrical object is travelling at a very high speed. According to estimation it feels like the craft started out at an incredible pace from a standing still position inside the crater. The speed of the object can be compared to any modern fast car of our era that can start from 0 mph and reach to a speed of 60 mph in only three and a half second.

Viewing the five pictures of the incident that were produced after every five seconds, the event is pictured in a time span of 25 seconds and the area it has travelled within that time frame is huge and so estimating the speed of the craft is not a problem for anyone at this point.

Another interesting fact evident from the pictures is the length of the object. The object looks huge lengthwise. The width of the object is also estimated based on a Spanish site which speculated the sizes of the object based on the length of the volcano’s mouth.

The craft is said to be of 150 to 200 meters across and almost a kilometer long. This could probably be the longest of UFOs sighted by humans. The extreme length of the object leads the news to appear on a Spanish site.

The object was seen entering the volcano mouth of Popocatepeti on the 25th of October, 2012. This news was also reported in the Mexico news on the date and to recent day experts have failed to define what the object was. After a much awaited exit of the object which took place on the 15th of November and viewed by many individuals, it has been evident that the object is indeed a UFO as no other explanation has been found to date.

Findings as such are seldom ignored in the news as the number of non believers in UFO is still greater than those who have sighted different incidents ad believe that there are other entities that are resent in the universe other than humans.

The coming and going out of the cylindrical UFO from the Mexican active volcano crater arises many questions related to what these beings want from us or our planet and exactly what should be predicted about their arrivals and departures.


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