UFO: Shape shifting entity sighted over Clearwater, Florida

A witness in the city of Clearwater in Pinellas County, Florida has reported sighting a UFO on 18 December, 2012 at 7:40 PM. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

The witness describes what he was doing at the time of the sighting.

I stepped out on the veranda just before dinner and looked up to see the crescent moon in a crystal clear sky.

The witness then describes the position and direction of the object.

Not a single cloud. Just below it, an object at several thousand feet was flying straight south.

He also tells us what he assumed the object to be.

At first it appeared to be a jet but I noticed there was no sound. All was quiet. I began to think it was a Satilite because it had no flashing lights but was about the brightness of the star Sirius which had just risen to the east.

The witness then describes how the object became motionless, shifted its shape, and disappeared into the sky.

Then suddenly it stopped. Motionless for a couple of seconds then abruptly turning in a circle the size of a dime then headed straight up shrinking and disappearing into the black sky after about five seconds.

The witness also provides us with some information about himself, about his profession and experience, and tells us why the object defied logic.

I am an avid amateur astronomer and have witnessed many comets and satellites and have flown in many helicopters and aircraft. This was a bright non-shimmering circular object traveling at great velocity that defied logic.

Finally, the witness gives us a description of the motion and movement of the object. He also tells us how the sudden change in direction could have been the result of its sharp rotation.

Yes, the apparent stop before turning could have conceivably been a sudden change in direction that matched my viewing position making it look like it stopped but then it made an inconceivably sharp rotation without losing brightness and shot straight up and dimmed out after about three seconds.

The above quotes were edited for clarity.

MUFON requests the readers to keep in mind that many reports of UFO sightings can be explained scientifically as natural phenomenon.


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