UFO: Rectangles fly over Aurora, Ontario

Rectangular UFO entities were observed flying over Aurora, Ontario on 22 April 12:00 AM, as reported by an eyewitness. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

The witness begins the report by describing the location and time of the incident.

“About 2220 hours driving NB on hwy 400 north of King rd and about 2 km south of Aurora rd noticed an object pass over my vehicle.”

He describes the direction, shape and colour of the objects.

“Object was travelling north west at a very high rate of speed. All that could be seen was two rectangular more square than rectangular emitting and bright orange light.”

The witness further describes the position of the rectangles and the speed at which the objects were travelling.

“There was a space between the two rectangles. The rectangles were side by side. The object was travelling at a very high rate of speed not lowering or lifting in the sky. It was out of sight in about 5 seconds. It made no sound what so ever. The only way I could describe the speed is to liken it to a jet fighter doing a fly by at a very high rate of speed very low to the ground.”

He describes the altitude of the object and also mentions that there a plane flying nearby.

“Except this object was probably about 5000 feet in the air or more. It had no other lights of any kind. Jus t to the west was a plan about same altitude heading in a south east direction. strobes on plane were visible.”

He finally tells us that the plane did not change its direction, and also tells us why he could not provide any other description of the UFO.

“Plane did not make any course changes. The object flew so fast that no other description was noted.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity.

MUFON requests the readers to keep in mind that many reports of UFO sightings can be explained scientifically as natural phenomenon.


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