UFO: Red, Yellow balls reported over Kitchener, Ontario

Red/Yellow glowing balls were observed over Kitchener, Ontario on 19 May, 2013 at 19 May, 2013 at 9:38 PM. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on 20 May, 2013.

The witness begins the report by describing the time and location of the incident.

“Fireworks were being fired from neighborhood street at the time approximately 9:35pm to 9:40pm May19th (location is 5nm from the Waterloo international airport).”

The witness describes the altitude and direction of the object.

“At first it appeared to be one of these flying glow lanterns glowing appeared 30-40 degrees fairly low on horizon initially. I observed it just to the right of where the fireworks were being launched. Observed this Glowing ball.”

He describes his initial reaction to the sighting.

“At first dismissing it as fireworks.”

The witness describes the movement and direction of the object.

“Then Noticed this fireball was just hanging there and drifting ever so slightly.  Then I observed the this glowing ball moving with increasing speed to the North West on an accelerating straight path.”

 He further describes the speed of the object.

“Once it began to move from position near the fireworks it was moving several times the speed of an average airliner. “

He tells us how it is different from a commercial aircraft.

“It displayed no strobes or navigation lights identifiable as any private or commercial aircraft.”

The witness tells us how the same object was sighted in a different place on the same day.

“This object appears exactly as observed and video recorded in Mexico on the same day.  Same red/yellow Glowing objects with varying intensity varying speed from near stationary acceleration in a straight line.”

Finally he describes how the characteristics of the object were unlike any normal aircraft.

‘I am a licensed private pilot and the characteristics were unlike any normal aircraft.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity.


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