UFO: NASA reveals Biblical-like Spacecraft

A UFO enthusiast has discovered Biblical like UFO in some archived images of NASA on 1 June, 2013, as reported by UFO Sightings Daily. The report was posted on Jun 3, 2013. The website, UFO Sightings Daily, is coordinated by Scott C. Waring. He had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan. 

In this report, Scott Waring has published a photograph of the incident, along with a YouTube video.

Mr. Waing tells us how this UFO was discovered.

“This UFO was discovered in not one but two consecutive NASA archive photos by Streetcap1 of YouTube.”

Mr. Waring tells us that the individual is an expert in finding UFOs in images.

“He's got a good eye and is an expert at finding evidence of aliens in side NASA photos.”

He says that it looks like one of the wheels mentioned in the bible.

“This one looks like a wheel, perhaps the legendary Ezekiels Wheel from ancient times?”

He talks about another orb near this object.

“Also not far from this craft is either an orb (drone craft) or another wheel in the far distance."


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