UFO: Archon-like Triangle forms over Newmarket

A Canadian witness reports observing a UFO triangle formation over Newmarket, Ontario on 26 May 2013 at 9:35 PM. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on 26 May 2013.

The witness describes what he was doing at the time of the sighting. He also talks about the direction of the UFO.

“At approximately 9:35pm I stepped outside into my backyard (in south Newmarket) and immediately noticed a triangle of three white lights in the NW horizon, towards Bradford/West Gillimbury”

The witness talks about their size, appearance and color.

“They looked like stars, in terms of size and appearance, except that they had never been there before, and they glittered gently or fluttered a reddish colour, but were predominantly white.”

The witness describes their size and distance.

“I don't know how far away they were, but I held up my hand and the triangle was about the same size.”

He talks about his initial reaction to the sighting and also tells us how he realized that they were not helicopters.

“At first I thought they were helicopters, but as I watched them they didn't move. A helicopter actually passed through the triangle while I stood there (about 10 minutes after I first saw them) going east or northeast.”

The witness then describes how the objects were descending.

“After approximately 15 minutes I noticed that they were slowly descending, relative to the power lines stretched across the same section of sky, but the movement was extremely slow.”

He tells us how the triangle formation never changed.

“After about half an hour they had descended from about 20 degrees relative to the horizon to below the tree line and out of sight. The triangle formation was maintained the entire time.”

The witness describes how the objects disappeared.

“The bottom two went out of sight first, and by the time the topmost light had also slowly descended behind the tree line the bottom two would have either a)been on the ground, or b)been beyond the horizon, though it was hard for me to tell how far away they were.”

The witness describes how the ‘fluttering’ or ‘glimmering’ effect change throughout the course of the sighting.

“ I should also note that the "fluttering" or "glimmering" was very subtle when I first noticed them, but as they got lower and lower the effect intensified, and while I could still see the last one through the trees the effect was strongest, and that's also when the reddish hue was most noticeable.”

The witness describes how the objects were different from aircrafts in terms of sounds and lights.

“For the duration there was no noticeable sound (ie: engines, propellers, etc), and there were no regular interval blinking lights as you might see on an aircraft.”

Finally, the witness tells us how he hopes that someone else have seen the objects.

“I'm hoping someone else saw them. I'd love to know what this might have been.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity.

MUFON requests the readers to keep in mind that many reports of UFO sightings can be explained scientifically as natural phenomenon.

Dr. John Lash research on ancient Pagan Gnostics described the "Archons" as lower dimensional regressive entities that often appear in "threes".


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