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Extraterrestrials: Connecticut witness recalls alien encounter

A witness from Near Falls Village, Connecticut recalled how she had a alien encounter on February 11, 2013, at 9:45 PM, while driving home from work. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of UFOInfo.com.

The report tells us what the witness was doing at the time of the incident.

“The witness was driving home from work and was only two miles from her residence located in a very rural area south of Falls Village.”

The report then tells us that the roads were dark and snow covered and explains how a deer jumped in front of her car.

“All at once, a deer jumped from behind a snow bank and bolted in front of her car.”

The report then tells us that the headlight of her car was smashed due to the collision with the dear and also tells us that she was unable to push the car out. She had to call a tow truck. The report also tells us how her neighbor stopped on his way from work to help her. The neighbor offered to help her.

“He said he would go home get some chains and return with his 4-wheel drive pickup in order to pull her out.”

When her neighbor left, she noticed verb rights lights traveling towards her and thought that the tow truck had arrived. The illuminated vehicle stopped about 50 yards from her, and out of it she saw a strange being floating near it.

“Then all of the sudden she saw a brightly lit ‘being’ floating through the woods across from her.”

The report then tells us that the victim was petrified as the being tried to go towards her. It also tells us that the being did not have any arms or legs.

“It didn’t have arms or legs but there was definitely a head a d something on the end that resembled a fish tail.”

The being then stopped directly in front of her and hovered no more than 10 feet away from her. The report then mentions that the being did not have eyes or mouth as well.

“There were no eyes or mouth, but she did feel warmth coming from it.”

She found the warmth to be comforting. The report then tells us how the lights disappeared after a while.

“Then it suddenly whisked towards the lights. After a few minutes the bright lights started to fade until they were completely gone.”

The report then tells us that the victim’s neighbor and the tow trucked arrived at that place and she asked them if they had seen the bright vehicle.

“Her neighbor soon returned as well as the tow truck operator. She asked them both if they had noticed any vehicle with intense bright lights but they both looked at her like ‘she was crazy’.”

The report finally tells us that she was still feeling the calming sensation and desperately wanted to go to sleep after she went home. 


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