Alien Archons: Cubic UFOs re-appear around Sun

There are NASA/SOHO images of the sun and as you can see, there are strange shaped objects orbiting it. These UFOs often move at incredible speeds and in straight lines.


Look at the accompanying photo and notice the shape of the UFOs you see. They have sharp edges and look block like. How long will NASA keep silent about aliens before NASA cracks wide open?


What are alien archons based upon John Lash's research that reveals ancient Pagan Gnostic insights?  Archons are colluding negative energy artificial life forms that lack a spiritual biological connection with humans specifically and with Mother Nature in general.


Archons as "mind parasites" operate through the minds of elites.  Archons can sometimes appear as negative energy "UFO entities" that can "shape shift". 


According to John Lash, Archons violate human sovereignty by corrupting and co-opting elites through a broad "mind control".  Systematized problems on Earth based upon Dr. Michael Salla's "Typology of Extraterrestrials" are the result of archontic regressive aliens that operate in collusion with a political-military-industrial complex on Earth.


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