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UFO archons: Alien orbs form demonic triangular pattern over Montreal

Archontic alien orbs were observed forming a demonic triangular pattern over Montreal on 25 Dec, 2013 at 11:49 pm. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on 26 Dec, 2013.

The witness begins the small report by describing what he was doing at the time of the sighting.

“About to park in my garage.”

He tells us how the bright light caught his attention.

“The light were so bright that they caught my eye .”

He then tells us how his friends also came to see the UFO when he called them.

“I looked up and immediately called my 2 buddies. They came to see the objects less than 1 min later.”

The witness describes the total number of orbs and their direction.

“Three orange balls were moving in the sky in various directions.”

He then tells us that the orbs formed a triangle and moved away from each other after that.

“And then formed a triangle and then moved away from each other.”

He tells us that he tried to film the orbs with his iPhone but the video was not very clear.

“I filmed it with my iPhone but isn’t very clear.”

The witness describes how he and his friends reacted to the sighting.

“All three of us were not scared but in awe.”

Finally, he tells us how the 3 objects sped away from each other.

“The three objects sped away at regular speeds but in different directions.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity. 


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