Aliens: Google Moon Reveals Artificial Craters

Date of discovery: Unknown
Location of sighting: Earths Moon
Coordinates: 22°42'48.71"N 142°35'12.58"E

Sometimes when you are looking for find it and then some. Here is such a case. I wanted to confirm a structure someone emailed me about today, but I was clearly distracted by so many structures that I lost count in the first minute. Here are some screenshots I took while looking at Google Moon. Just copy and paste the coordinates into the search box and hit google moon. But don't stop there. Have a look around and maybe, just maybe it may open your mind more than you thought possible.

What we have here are artificial craters that are actually alien structures. Not five or ten, but thousands, so relax and zoom in on some of these amazing and thought provoking structures. They are real, both the structures and alien species. But if its too much for you, take a deep breath and go do something else... and come back when you are ready.

Reference: UFO Sightings Daily


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