UFO · Exopolitics 5514 Views by Gloria Sun

Alien UFO Surveys the ISIS Space Station

Another raw footage taken directly from the ISIS Space Station Livestream of NASA reveals a bright Unidentified Object, in its close proximity.

After a recent incident in June, when two UFOs flying along with ISIS prompted a fearful NASA to evacuate the crew’s Space Station to a safer location, in the Russian side, this new video, dated August 3 2015, is adding more irrefutable evidence of the existence of Aliens and proves that Aliens survey us closely.

The Unidentified Object spotted in this new short footage of the ISIS Livestream appears to be stationery, emitting a violet-pinkish and bright white light, while the camera is passing it by, doing its regular 2 minutes rotation.

As Streetcap1, a vivid UFO enthusiast seeker, was watching the Live transmission from the Space Station on August 3, listening to the conversation between NASA and the crew, when he suddenly noticed the huge unusual pinkish-white shinny object in the space, taped the footage and then shared it on his YouTube channel.

“We need them to maybe start pointing the ISS cameras outward and stop treating people like children,” he boldly threw the towel at NASA in his video description.

Others have wondered if this event is linked to another two popular UFO sightings occurred late July. One is of a bright green light in the sky filmed in Uruguay, filmed with a phone camera, on 30 of July. The other one is of a similar green light, looking like an UFO, on the skies of Argentina, in Buenos Aires, taken the same day, and largely broadcasted on the National Argentinian TV.

Could it be that lately, Aliens let themselves be seen on purpose by more and more people, in more and more places, all over the world, as an obvious “Hello, we’re here!” sign?

Could it be that they plan to make contact with us, gradually, trying not to scare us, but to let us acknowledge them and get accustomed to them, little by little?

Could it be that they come in peace and are looking for our friendship?

What do you think? Tell us your opinion in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you.

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