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Human Extraterrestrials Live on Earth

Date: November, 1953.

Place: Los Angeles, United States.

In 1972, astronomer and UFO researcher Josef Allen Hynek exposed in his book The UFO Experience: a Scientific Inquiry that there were three kinds of what he called “a close encounter” –this is, witnessing extraterrestrial objects or entities-:

  • Close Encounter of the First Kind: sighting of an unidentified flying object within a range of 150 metres (500 feet).
  • Close Encounter of the Second Kind: sighting of an unidentified flying object which may cause physical effects on the witness.
  • Close Encounter of the Third Kind: an encounter with an animated extraterrestrial entity.

This last category is the less common. However, there are some cases well registered that can be used as milestones for further investigations. One of them is mentioned by PhD Michael Salla in his article called Extraterrestrials Among Us, published in Exopolitics Journal in 2006.

George Adamski, a Polish-American citizen, allegedly had a “meeting with an extraterrestrial emerging from a ‘scout ship’ on November 20, 1952”, which later inspired him to be “the first to write about extraterrestrials secretly living among the human population”, Mr. Salla says in reference to Adamski’s work titled Inside The Flying Saucers.

I looked at my wrist watch and saw that it said ten-thirty. The lateness of the hour, with still nothing of extraordinary significance having taken place, sent a wave of disappointment through me. And just at this moment of depression, two men approached, one of whom addressed me by name. Both were complete strangers, but there was no hesitancy in their manner as they came forward, and nothing in their appearance to indicate that they were other than average young businessmen”, wrote Mr. Adamski, quoted by Mr. Salla.  Then, one of those men “smiled and indicated the driver. ‘He is from the planet you call Mars. I am from the one you call Saturn.’ His voice was soft and pleasant and his English perfect. I had noticed that the younger man also spoke softly, although his voice was pitched higher. I found myself wondering how and where they had learned to speak our language so well”.  He added: “we have lived on your planet now for several years. At first we did have a slight accent. But that has been overcome and, as you can see, we are unrecognized as other than Earth men”.

What are extraterrestrials looking for in our planet? Mr. Salla concludes that “they presumably wish to learn about Earth culture and behavior; and to, perhaps, assist in passing on information to selected individuals”.

For further information: http://exopoliticsjournal.com/vol-1/1-4-Salla.htm

Vol 1:4 (October 2006): 284-300. ISSN 1938-1719

Extraterrestrials Among Us

Michael E. Salla, PhD


There is startling evidence from a number of independent sources that ‘human looking’ extraterrestrial visitors have integrated with and lived in major population centers up until recently, and this is known by a select number of government agencies and military departments. A range of highly classified government documents and military programs give credence to this phenomenon, as revealed by a number of whistleblowers. Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, for example, claims that a top secret NATO document he witnessed in 1964 described how senior political and military leaders had been visited by and interacted with ‘human looking’ extraterrestrials who could easily blend into human society. What really concerned NATO leaders, according to Dean, was that extraterrestrials could be walking in the corridors of key political and military institutions. Aside from whistleblower testimonies, a number of private individuals claim to have encountered extraterrestrials posing as ordinary citizens in major cities around the planet.

George Adamski was the first to write about extraterrestrials secretly living among the human population. In his second non-fiction book describing his extraterrestrial contact experiences, Inside theFlying Saucers, Adamski discussed how human looking extraterrestrials had established a presence among the human population. They apparently looked so much like us that they could get jobs, lived in neighborhoods, drove cars, and could blend in easily with the human population. Adamski wrote about how they contacted him to set up meetings that led to his famous flights aboard extraterrestrial vehicles. While controversy over Adamski’s contact experiences and his credibility continues, Adamski’s UFO sightings and contacts with extraterrestrials were supported by an impressive collection of witnesses, photographs and films that a number of independent investigators concluded were not hoaxes.[1]

Adamski’s testimony offers important insights into how extraterrestrials may be living incognito among the human population. After discussing the Adamski case and the strongest evidence supporting it, I will then discuss other contactees similarly claiming to have encountered extraterrestrials acting like ordinary citizens. Finally, I examine a number of whistleblowers who claim to have witnessed documents or events confirming official government knowledge that extraterrestrials live among ordinary citizens.

Contact Testimonies of Extraterrestrials Among Us

Adamski’s famous Desert Center meeting with an extraterrestrial emerging from a ‘scout ship’ on November 20, 1952 was seen by six witnesses who signed affidavits confirming Adamski’s version of events in his subsequent book, The Flying Saucers have Landed (1953). In fact, four of the witnesses immediately reported what had happened to a nearby newspaper, the Phoenix Gazette, that published a story on November 24 featuring photos and sketches. The Desert Center encounter was among those of Adamski’s claims regarding extraterrestrial contact that, according to UFO researcher Timothy Good, were “accurately reported,” and “sensible and verifiable”.[2] Given the clear supporting evidence supporting Adamski’s first meeting with an extraterrestrial traveling in a scout craft, it is worth examining closely his alleged subsequent meetings with extraterrestrials living on Earth.

In the first chapter of Inside the Flying Saucers, Adamski recounts his meeting with two extraterrestrials while he was sitting in the lobby of a Los Angeles Hotel on February 18, 1953.

I looked at my wrist watch and saw that it said ten-thirty. The lateness of the hour, with still nothing of extraordinary significance having taken place, sent a wave of disappointment through me. And just at this moment of depression, two men approached, one of whom addressed me by name. Both were complete strangers, but there was no hesitancy in their manner as they came forward, and nothing in their appearance to indicate that they were other than average young businessmen…. I noted that both men were well proportioned. One was slightly over six feet and looked to be in his early thirties. His complexion was ruddy, his eyes dark brown, with the kind of sparkle that suggests great enjoyment of life. His gaze was extraordinarily penetrating. His black hair waved and was cut according to our style. He wore a dark brown business suit but no hat. The shorter man looked younger and I judged his height to be about five feet, nine inches. He had a round boyish face, a fair complexion and eyes of grayish blue. His hair, also wavy and worn in our style, was sandy in color. He was dressed in a gray suit and was also hatless. He smiled as he addressed me by name. As I acknowledged the greeting, the speaker extended his hand and when it touched mine a great joy filled me. The signal was the same as had been given by the man I had met on the desert on that memorable November 20, 1952. (Described in the book Flying Saucers Have Landed.)[3]

Significant in Adamski’s description is how the two extraterrestrials could pass off as businessmen. Aside from a penetrating stare, nothing struck him as unusual in their appearance. Adamski goes on to explain how he went with them in their car to travel to a remote desert location:

Together we left the lobby, I walking between them. About a block north of the hotel, they turned into a parking lot where they had a car waiting. They had not spoken during this short time, yet inwardly I knew that these men were true friends. I felt no urge to ask where they proposed to take me, nor did it seem odd that they had volunteered no information. An attendant brought the car around, and the younger man slid into the driver’s seat, motioning me to get in beside him. Our other companion also sat with us on the front seat. The car was a four-door black Pontiac sedan. The man who had taken the wheel seemed to know exactly where he was going and drove skillfully. I am not familiar with all the new highways leading out of Los Angeles, so I had no idea in which direction we were headed. We rode in silence and I remained entirely content to wait for my companions to identify themselves and explain the reason for our meeting. [4]

What’s significant here is that the two extraterrestrials possessed a car and knew how to navigate on the newly completed Los Angeles highway system. This is no mean feat and suggests that the extraterrestrials had taken the time to learn the road traffic rules and how to navigate through Los Angeles. The next passage is quite remarkable for the information Adamski reveals:

Lights and dwellings thinned as we left the outskirts of the city. The taller man spoke for the first time as he said, “You have been very patient. We know how much you are wondering who we are and where we are taking you. I acknowledged that of course I had been wondering, but added that I was entirely content to wait for this information until they chose to give it to me. The speaker smiled and indicated the driver. “He is from the planet you call Mars. I am from the one you call Saturn.” His voice was soft and pleasant and his English perfect. I had noticed that the younger man also spoke softly, although his voice was pitched higher. I found myself wondering how and where they had learned to speak our language so well. [5]

What’s interesting here is Adamski’s observation that the two extraterrestrials could speak the English language so well without any hint of an accent. What follows in the next passage is truly remarkable insofar as it reveals the true extent to which extraterrestrials have merged with the ordinary human population.

As the thought passed through my mind, it was immediately recognized. The Martian now spoke for the first time since our meeting in the hotel. “We are what you on Earth might call ‘Contact men.’ We live and work here, because, as you know, it is necessary on Earth to earn money with which to buy clothing, food, and the many things that people must have. We have lived on your planet now for several years. At first we did have a slight accent. But that has been overcome and, as you can see, we are unrecognized as other than Earth men. “At our work and in our leisure time we mingle with people here on Earth, never betraying the secret that we are inhabitants of other worlds. That would be dangerous, as you well know. We understand you people better than most of you know yourselves and can plainly see the reasons for many of the unhappy conditions that surround you. [6]

This passage is most significant since it describes how the extraterrestrials have spent years living on Earth, learning the language, getting jobs and mixing with the human population. Furthermore, it appears as though extraterrestrials living among the human population may work in pairs, a kind of buddy system that would make sense in terms of ensuring safety and communications with the home world if an emergency ever occurred. If Adamski is accurate in his recollections and the extraterrestrials are telling the truth, then it would appear that there could be a significant number of extraterrestrials who are living incognito among the normal population in many if not most major cities on the planet. Upon examining other contactee cases and the testimonies of whistleblowers, it does appear as though this is indeed the case.

Adamski was not the only one of the contactees claiming that extraterrestrials were blending in with the human population. Howard Menger also claimed to have been contacted by extraterrestrials posing as ordinary human citizens while he was training to be a spokesperson for the space brothers. In one case, the extraterrestrial was posing as a real estate salesperson and asked Menger to accompany him in one of the extraterrestrial’s car where he was taken to a new contact location  to meet at appointed times with the space brothers’ ships. Menger describes the incident as follows:

In the fall of 1947, a young man, neatly dressed in fall clothing, entered the shop. Though he said he was a real estate man, there was something odd about him. And he didn’t act like other extroverted, back slapping real estate men I knew…. He told me he was thinking of putting up some “For Sale” signs near a place called Pleasant Grove, about eight miles from the shop, and would like some advice…. I agreed to go with him. He did not introduce me to a young lady waiting in the car… Halfway there the conversation fell off and there was silence. Very abruptly the man changed the subject. “Howard, we know you are keeping your contacts with our brothers a secret as you have been instructed.” I didn’t know if I should feign surprise or not since I had detected something unusual from the beginning... Oh, you ARE …” and I chuckled. He simply came out with a wide grin, and drove a few hundred yards without speaking further. You see, Howard, I have been taught much of real estate, but little of acting.[7]

Menger’s extraterrestrial friends went on to describe a secret location where he would later rendezvous with the extraterrestrial vehicles at appointed times. Menger’s contact experiences and UFO sightings are supported by independent witnesses, photographs, film and even scientific analysis of a potato allegedly grown on the moon. Timothy Good conducted a thorough investigation of Menger and concluded that some of his extraterrestrial contact experiences and photographs/films were genuine.[8] It is the manner by which Menger was contacted in 1947 that alerts us to the presence of extraterrestrials blending in with the human population. The extraterrestrial had learned about the real estate trade, was driving an ordinary car, and was accompanied by a female. Both extraterrestrials had assumed the identities of real estate agents and could in that way evade detection while learning much about human society. Again, as in the case of Adamski’s two extraterrestrials, they worked as a pair suggesting a buddy system.

At one of Howard Menger’s ‘conventions’ at his home in April 1957, three visitors from Venus were allegedly photographed. Several of the photos were given to Dr Frank Stranges who showed the photos at his UFO lectures. At one of these lectures in December 1959, Dr Stranges claims that he was approached by a Pentagon official who offered him the chance to meet with one of the Venusians. Dr Stranges then describes elaborate security procedures he had to undergo, and his subsequent meeting with Valiant Thor at the Pentagon for thirty minutes. Thor was apparently a guest of the US government for three years, and regularly met with senior officials including President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon. Dr Stranges claims he was told never to reveal what had happened. Nevertheless, he eventually wrote a book about his encounter, Stranger at the Pentagon (1967). In his book and subsequent interviews, he describes the messages of world peace and spirituality delivered to him and senior US officials by Thor.

Predictability, Stranges’ claims were greeted with widespread ridicule from UFO researchers given the lack of evidence that such a meeting had occurred. Yet Dr Stranges’ background in law enforcement, his educational credentials and his prominence as an evangelical theologian all point to an individual with impeccable integrity who would not fabricate such a hoax. If Dr Stranges’ credentials and integrity are accepted, then it appears that the Pentagon housed a visitor from Venus for three years who allegedly was able to meet with senior officials and was able to travel to UFO conventions such as the Mengers. It may be concluded that Valiant Thor (and his associates) was able to interact with a range of private citizens during his three year stay, these interactions were closely monitored by intelligence agencies, and individuals were sworn to secrecy.

Another contactee who claimed to have met with extraterrestrials, posing as an ordinary civilian, involves the case of a tenured professor in the medical school at the University of Mexico, who was also a senior member of the Mexican Atomic Energy Commission. The Professor used the pseudonym of ‘Prof Hernandez’ and worked with a Mexican journalist, Zitha Rodriguez to release his amazing story.[9] He discussed how a very attractive extraterrestrial female, Elyense (dubbed ‘Lya’ by the Professor), from the constellation Andromeda posed as a student and visited him in his lecture classroom on several occasions from 1972-1974. After realizing that she wasn’t one of his students, he eventually confronted her, and asked why she was coming to his lectures. After having several conversations where she displayed remarkable knowledge of physics as well as paranormal abilities, Hernandez was eventually told by Lya that she was from another world. After further meetings in 1975, she eventually persuaded him to join her as a co-pilot in her space vehicle. This how Hernandez described the incident on 22 April 1975 in his diary:

I had gone to participate in a conference on the theme of effective neutralizers for anesthesia. That afternoon I felt particularly exhausted… As I headed for the parking lot, I scarcely imagined that Lya was waiting for me in the car… “Hello,” she said in greeting… Are you in much of a hurry?” No, it is only that I want to rest,” I said. Would you like to go on a mission as a copilot?” … “Today has been an especially tiring day…. Couldn’t this be another day?” I asked, almost pleading. “It is important, I cannot assure you that you will have another opportunity like this….” “Very well… ” I said as I locked  the door, “if it is not too far, I accept….”[10]

At this point, Hernandez drove his car to a remote location directed by Lya. He then goes on to describe how they proceeded to enter Lya’s space vehicle and left the Earth’s atmosphere.

A round object of more or less three meters diameter was some meters in front ofus. Lya took out an apparatus of metal that was like a small box of cigarettes and pressed a button. At that moment the door of that ship opened itself from below, and we went through into the interior by means of a small ladder… She touched a small lever with various buttons and pressed one.. The ship silently rose into the air…. The Earth withdrew more and more, and thus I could contemplate the night, the stars and alter dozens of satellites of all types orbiting the Earth.[11]

Hernandez story was investigated by Lt Col Wendelle Stevens who corresponded with Zitha Rodriquez. Stevens found many similarities with other contactee cases even though Hernandez could not have known of these. He decided to translate Rodriquez book of Hernandez experiences and eventually concluded that Hernandez was credible. As in the Adamski and Menger cases, Hernandez reveals that his extraterrestrial contact could easily blend into the Mexican population. In contrast to the Adamski and Menger cases, Lya was alone and did not appear to have a buddy. While she did not own a car, she knew how to navigate Mexico City’s road system to ensure that Hernandez could reach the destination of her flying vehicle. Her ability to meet with Hernandez in city locations and knowledge of how to travel to rural areas, again suggests familiarity with the location and customs of the native population. It is not only contactees that have discussed extraterrestrials living among us, there are also the testimonies of highly credible whistleblowers who make similar claims.


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