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Dome-shaped structure discovered on Earth's Moon

Date: February, 2016.

Place: Harden Crater, Earth’s Moon.

The Moon has always had a special effect on humans. These effects may be related to the body (for example, a recent research made by the University of Basel showed that sleep is closely influenced by the phases of the Moon), but also may be related to spiritual beliefs and social issues (in many ancient cultures, the Moon was considered a deity, and critical decisions used to be made according to the lunar cycle).

However, in our modern times, Earth’s natural satellite has started to be studied in varied forms. One of them is associated to the possibility of existence of intelligent life.  Renowned scientists like Richard Hoagland –former NASA consultant and museum curator- have affirmed that the Moon is the abode of a civilisation with an “extraordinarily advanced technology”. And one of the evidences could be displayed on the video published by YouTube user and lunar investigator MrTonywilke, which shows an unusually symmetrical dome-shaped structure in the region called Harden Crater.

About this, Scott C. Waring, from UFO Sightins Daily says: “as you can see for yourself this is a dome on Earth’s moon”. According to him, “scientists have mislabeled it as a crater, when obviously it’s a dome”.    

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2016/02/alien-9-mile-dome-city-found-on-earths.html

Alien 9 Mile Dome City Found On Earths Moon In @NASA Photos, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 27, 2016

Location of discovery: Harden Dome (not crater), Earths Moon

Source photo: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/images/print/AS11/36/5411.jpg

Google Moon coordinates: 5°48'39.97"N 143°36'46.91"E

This dome was found by Earths Files Earths History of Youtube. As you can see for yourself this is a dome on Earths moon. Scientists have mislabeled it as a crater, when obviously its a dome. This is mislabeled in astronomy as Harden Crater. I don't blame the scientists. Its just the way education goes in school. Learn it our way or the highway. According to Google Moon ruler Harden Dome is 9.2 miles or 14.8 km in diameter. In the NASA photo I can see the domes hight is about 20% that of its diameter. Meaning it’s 1.8 miles or 2.96 km at its center. Thats only if its inside floor is equal to the outside level, but I believe the inside may be much deeper.

Scott C. Waring



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