UFO · Exopolitics 2965 Views by JD91

Archons:Perfectly Triangle UFO Witnessed Over British Columbia, Canada

Date: 19 March, 2016.

Place: Abbotsford, Province of British Columbia, Canada.

In 2007, a group of scientists of the Russia’s General Physics Institute led by Dr. Vadim Tsytovich discovered that under certain conditions space dust can form inorganic life-like structures.

Mr. Tsytovich and his team found out that dust particles can form helical strands (very similar to DNA) when mixed with plasma. According to their research, these structures also showed signs of being able to reproduce and evolve.

So, is this a possible explanation for the UFO phenomenon? Could these inorganic life structures have evolved enough so as to develop technological devices to explore the rest of the universe? We still do not know, but there are some UFO events that certainly seem to support this theory.

On 19 March, “a bright white light” was seen hovering in the sky of Abbotsford, British Columbia, according to an anonymous report published on UFO specialised website MUFON.com.

“At approximately 1 am, I looked out my window and there was a bright white light that appeared to be getting bigger, so I walked closer to the window and sure enough it grew increasingly bright and then faded to complete black sky”, textually expressed the unnamed witness.

After this, several “white and red lights started pulsating/strobbing in the distance”, the observer testifies. Then, the UFO “began to move horizontally upwards, hovered in place, then moved in every direction slowly as if it was getting oriented. This continued for about a minute or two”.

About the features of the object, this person says that “it was clearly a perfect triangle”, and also “it was completely silent”.

According to the description of this sighting, there was no tangible entity, no “saucer-like” craft nor engine sound. There were only triangular lights moving in unusual flight patterns.  

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=75295&rnd=

Long Description of Sighting Report

My account happened at approximately 1 am, I looked out my window and there was a bright white light that appeared to be getting bigger, so I walked closer to the window and sure enough it grew increasingly bright and then faded to complete black sky, then the white and red lights started pulsating/strobbing in the distance. The ufo then began to move horizontally upwards, hovered in place then moved in every direction slowly as if it was getting oriented, this continued for about a minute or two. Then the object started moving directly over my house, it was too dark and high for me to get a good look at it but I could see that it was moving in a slow circular pattern, and it was clearly a perfect triangle. It was completely silent. I live beside a military communication base, I believe that could have something to do with it. Unfortunatly I was not able to get a picture of it, but after looking up other videos I am positive that I have seen the same craft that others have.    


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