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Fukushima Linked to Alien War Against Humanity

Date: 22 August, 2016.

Place: Oukuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.

At approximately 14:45 p.m. (JST) of the 11 of March, 2011, a powerful 9.0 Richter scale earthquake hit Japan, causing severe damage to the country’s infrastructure and killing at least 16,000 people.

According to an article published by Dr David Stein on online newspaper The Canadian, this earthquake was actually “a seismic cover for a tsunami bomb”, which was a simulation “designed to look like a natural event”.

“Dr. Lash [a famous UFO researcher] links archon Manipulative Extraterrestrials as having the power to simulate reality. Such a context would look real in the eyes of people who have been dis-possessed on their ability to distinguish between reality (ie. a naturally-occurring tsunami) and an augmented virtual reality simulation (ie. fake tsunami, and other particulars that “don‘t add up“)”, Mr Stein wrote.

According to the investigator’s point of view, the current “inter-dimensional war” against humans is leading archons to use ideological tactics to modify human mental attitudes. “The archons, as lower dimensional mechanical entities of artificial intelligence used ideology in order to produce the vector of “Crimestop” into human thinking. Through Crimestop, humans mentally block out any critical analysis that would in the process lead to discovering the fake simulated reality of the archons”.

These alien entities seem to be “seeking to disorient humanity, into a similar vegetative state like that of a heroin or crack cocaine addict’s disorientation”, he affirms. This is a very delicate situation, since, for example, many people have started to think that “Fukushima presents no immediate danger, in spite of our innate species’ common sense understanding that Fukushima does present an immediate danger to humanity”.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://agoracosmopolitan.com/news/ufo_extraterrestrials/2011/08/22/656.html

Extraterrestrials: Fukushima linked to an inter-dimensional war suggest Pagan Gnostic and indigenous insights

The key to “making sense” of the Fukushima nuclear disaster may lie in our willingness to understand the unfolding of an inter-dimensional war. In this apparent inter-dimensional war, the human understanding of reality is being turned “inside-out”. Fictional cover stories are being presented as facts, and facts are being hidden in apparent fiction. This is what Dr. Micheal Salla referred to as “hiding truth in plain sight”, as in the presentation of the TV science fiction like NBC-TV’s ‘Event’.

The act of presenting fictional cover stories, as facts, and then hiding those facts into fictional accounts is the apparent psychological warfare that Dr. Salla describes. The act of hiding truth within well-publicized multi-million dollar science fiction series and films, and other fictional arts presentations in popular entertainment, does one important thing. It gets viewers to mis-identify ‘real truth’, as fiction, and as fictional presentations.

The apparent goal of this process is to get people to think of the real truth as just an entertainment plot as in Star Trek, Fringe, V, or some other TV show series or movies.

Archontic confusion of reality and simulation in the human mind

Jim Stone, who is an investigative journalist, suggests that a recently reported high magnitude earthquake was actually a “seismic cover for a tsunami bomb.” He further elaborates that an intelligently-guided computer virus was used to disable back-ups in the nuclear plant. This feature was further corroborated by findings from the University of Berkeley, and by other investigative researchers. However, what the public is acting upon, is the view that Fukushima’s nuclear disaster was entirely a natural event. But, if that is the case, why the need to falsely report data, such as that Mr. Stone has detailed in his website, apparently, in order to fit into an official line?

The insights of Dr. Lash suggest that the fictions presented about Fukushima, fit with the archon mental matrix, in their operation, as ‘agents of deception‘. The ‘Fukushima phenomenon‘, according to Dr. Lash’s insights, also shows the pivotal power over the public information system, that the archons apparently have gained. That power lies in “HAL” - the power to simulate.

Whereas, based upon Pagan Gnostic insights, humans are creative and spiritual beings who have a soul, the archons have no creative abilities, and merely rely on their essence as “manipulative trickers”, to fool humanity, and then to disorient humanity.

The essential effect of the archons on human sensory perception, would be tantamount to the experience of someone who has been given a hallucinogenic drug, but who is not aware of that occurrence. Through disinformation, the archons wreck havoc on human perceptions.

Money is another example of archon power of simulation. Humans superimpose a sense of value onto money. For example, if I gave you a million dollars in a suitcase, you would likely think that all of a sudden you are rich. However, if you were then plopped into the Sahara Dessert, with that suitcase, without a cell phone, any food, clothing or shelter, you would be quickly dispossessed of your sense of “being rich” from the reality of your situation. Fukushima promises to push humanity into the cold reality of destruction of the surface of the Earth into the state that will eventually resemble Mars. Life on planet Earth cannot be sustained from the continual leaking by any nuclear plant on Earth. That is a basic scientific fact.

Fukushima’s link to HAL

Jim Stone’s research insights shows the prevailing power of HAL over humanity. Jim Stone’s presents Fukushima as simulated event that has been designed to look like a natural event. Such a context is consistent which what Dr. John Lash describes as demonstrative of an ‘archon exercise‘. Dr. Lash links archon Manipulative Extraterrestrials as having the power to simulate reality. Such a context would look real in the eyes of people who have been dis-possessed on their ability to distinguish between reality (ie. a naturally-occurring tsunami) and an augmented virtual reality simulation (ie. fake tsunami, and other particulars that “don‘t add up“).

Pagan Gnostics were able to detect the alien threat on the human mind, by first coming to a profound understanding of the human identity, and then being able to discern the archon presence that attempts to pose/lurk-in, and parasitize the human mind.

When we, as humans, allow ourselves to be over taken by the alien-imposed reality of HAL, through archon deception, no amount of witness testimony, or, facts will change that person‘s mental disposition: That mentality manifests itself in such attitudes as “there is no way that a tsunami could be artificially generated” .. and in spite of whatever data you could provide, “there’s no such things as aliens, or at least aliens have never been discovered yet.”

Dr. Lash elaborates that the further power of HAL lies in a simulation that can present itself as being technologically superior and more advanced. In so doing, the archons can present artificial intelligence as representing the “ultimate progress” for humanity, rather than a step in a de-evolutionary direction toward a re lower-dimensional barbaric state of existence.

In the apparent view of the archons, what we as humans view to be the destruction of our Earthly paradise represents the “birth of a Brave New World”. Indeed, in the NBC-TV show, The Event, hiding truth in plain sight, was apparent revealed through alien an alien depopulation agenda as being part of a “New World Order”, in which aliens would become the “dominant species”.

Fukushima, and the archon assimilation of the human mind

Fukushima shows how we as humans are allowing our minds to be assimilated through HAL, by accepting the presented faked reality of the archons as being real. In the apparent inter-dimensional war against humans, the archons as lower dimensional mechanical entities of artificial intelligence used ideology in order to produce the vector of “Crimestop” into human thinking. Through Crimestop, humans mentally block out any critical analysis that would in the process lead to discovering the fake simulated reality of the archons.

Wikipedia elaborates that Crimestop is a ‘Newspeak’ term that was taken from the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. It means to rid oneself of unwanted thoughts, i.e., thoughts that interfere with ideology. This way, a person avoids committing a “thought crime“.

In the novel, we hear about crimestop through the eyes of protagonist character Winston Smith:

The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak.

He set to work to exercise himself in crimestop. He presented himself with propositions -- 'the Party says the earth is flat', 'the party says that ice is heavier than water' -- and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.

George Orwell also describes crimestop from the perspective of the character Emmanuel Goldstein in the book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism:

Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.

The archons induce “crimestop” through ideology that substitutes facets of the human soul with simulations of those facets, which then arrest humanity’s mental faculties. Firstly, the archons induce humanity to give up their spirituality for alien religion, that is based upon hierarchical structures of authority. After that, the archons could then impose their vector of off-world directed allegiance on irrational authority-driven human institutions.

Most of humanity has taken it, on face value, that Fukushima presents no immediate danger, in spite of our innate species’ common sense understanding that Fukushima does present an immediate danger to humanity.

Failure of humanity to wake up from the alien “dream world” or stupor that David Icke presents as occurring may further assimilate humanity into an alien agenda that has been prescribed by an alien God.

Indeed, John Lash specifically refers Pagan Gnostic insights of Judaism, Christianity and Islam being the “doctrine of the aliens”. Fukushima may represent the “point of no return” in the acting out of an apocalyptical script, that has been prescribed by the Christian Bible’s “Book of Revelation” which is described as “the doctrine of the aliens”.

John Lash presents Pagan Gnostic insights on an on-going inter-dimensional war against humanity (by what he describes as Manipulative Extraterrestrial “mind parasites”). The Pagan Gnostic referred to these entities as the “archons”, which in Greek, means “authorities”. But, the Pagan Gnostics specifically ascribed them to be inorganic beings that apparently dominates this solar system, and that have sought to oppress humanity out of their jealously about humanity, and the creative soul and spirit that Mother Earth represents.

Dr. John Lash elaborates that Earth has apparently been “captured” in an alien solar system dominated by the ego-driven mechanical “mind parasites” that the archons represent.

Dr. Lash suggests that the archons are jealous of humanity’s soul-bearing creativity, and of our living on the paradise that Mother Earth represents, while they reside on other parts of the solar system like the Moon, and planets in this solar system that are outside of Earth’s biosphere. Indeed, both Dr. Salla and David Icke have linked environmental havoc on Earth to activities which are being executed on Earth though human vessels, which are used by these aliens. (That is like humans who use a space suit to go into outer space -- that the archons live).

Archons apparently use human vessels to mis-direct humanity into a path of error, which can divert humanity away from elevating its consciousness, and instead into servitude of an demonic alien agenda, that has spawned Fukushima.

Fukushima’s nuclear disaster shows the work of the archons based upon Dr. Lash’s insights, within an overall interdimensional war. Dr. Lash indicates that the apparent goal of the archons its to execute a step-by-step plan to get humanity into becoming more and more like the archons, so that the archons can then live more and more vicariously through humanity.

In order to accomplish this goal, the archons have sought to divert humanity from our existential roots as spiritual and biological beings of love and peace who are guardians of Mother Earth, into a state of fear, and also environmental and interpersonal parasitism/predation that is driving us into the lower-dimensional matrix of the archons.

Fukushima’s shows the apparent acceleration of an apparent inter-dimensional war against humanity. The apparent archons who preside over the Fukashima global crisis are apparently seeking to disorient humanity, into a similar vegetative state like that of a heroin or crack cocaine addict’s disorientation. Alex Jones’ presentation of the idea of a “thought war” against the minds of humanity provides a useful context to appreciate an apparent one-dimensional war. In an interview with Alex Jones, David Icke elaborates that the lack of inspired effort to use available technological resources to stop the proliferation of Fukushima is further evidence that “crisis management” is being directed by inorganic entities that are not endangered by Fukushima’s radiation.

How to save our planet Earth from Fukushima

Before we, as humanity, can save our planet Earth from imminent radiation destruction at the hands of the archons, we must first understand the apparent archon attempt to “hide truth in plain sight”, as part of a psychological warfare.

Could it therefore happen to be a truth behind Fox’s presentation of an interdimensional war involving co-operation between shape shifters and elites (that originate from a parallel universe/alternative reality); and also in ABC-TV’s presentation of human institutions being infiltrated by reptilian aliens who taken on a human appearance? Dr. Michael Salla has sought to suggest that it is the truth that has been presented as fiction.

In our efforts to wake up from an alien-sought stupor over the imminent danger of Fukushima, we, as humans, must also quickly being to practice behaviours which affirm ourselves as beings of peace and love, who are also guardians of Mother Earth. Our need to adopt that behaviour is the spirit which been the essential message of indigenous people throughout the world, and which archons have apparently sought to oppress, through genocidal wars and other colonial oppressions.

In recognition of that need, as David Icke suggests, we must resist the oppression-oriented mental template manifested from alien-induced disorientation of our perceptions and our understanding. It is this disorientation that then makes us vulnerable to the apparent “lies of Fukushima” alongside the contrived wars that are promoted by the archons, against our human brothers and sisters, and that are also causing environmental havoc on Mother Earth.

The existential context of humans, and archons are the opposite. Through Fukushima, it appears that the Archons seek to replace our human reality, with their parasitizing reality of “war is peace”.

Both indigenous and ancient Pagan Gnostic insights suggest that, we, as humans, must quickly band together to assert our sovereignty as guardians of Earth’s biosphere against the intrusions from the archons that inhabit the solar system outside of Earth’s biosphere.

The non-awareness of and non-response to Fukushima demonstrates the weponisation of the human mind against itself. Pagan Gnostic insights suggests that humanity needs to de-weaponize the human mind into a powerful collective force of healing Mother Earth. But, before we can do that, we as humans would need to “wake up”, and become aware of the assimilating, parasitizing lower-dimensional Extraterrestrial menace, as David Icke suggests.


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