UFO · Exopolitics 3637 Views by Tanveer

Manipulative Alien Archons Communicates With Southern Ontario Resident

A resident of St. Catharines, Ontario reported communicating with manipulative alien Archons on 10 June, 2016. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and was posted on 11 June, 2016.

The witness describes how he observed a UFO transiting the sky, going through the light spectrum. He then says that the object stopped and hovered above him.

“I observed the object overhead transiting the sky going through the light spectrum from brilliant white to fire gold. Then it stopped and hovered above... “

The witness then says that he saw two alien Archons who gave him information about gravity.

“Then in my mind I saw two greys and they said that they had new information to provide me regarding energy and anti gravity.”

He further says that he blacked out and talks about the true nature of gravity.

 “Then I blacked out and woke up knowing that gravity really isn’t gravity it’s an effect of other processes.”

After that he talks about an energy device that was given to him by the aliens and how he was able to create anti gravitational technology with that device.

“When I combined this knowledge with the energy device they provided me they merged together to enable the creation of nonlinear anti gravitational technology.”

The witness then says that he can and will describe the technology in full detail and will soon release information to the public.

“I am willing and able to describe in full detail, and will release to the public via LinkedIn within a week...

He finally claims that he is capable of translating non-terrestrial texts.

“I am also capable of translation of non-terrestrial texts.

The above quotes were edited for clarity.

Time and again we come across reports of alien entities manipulating humans, abducting them and at times providing them with knowledge that is beyond our understanding.  Archons have manipulated us since the dawn of civilization. So, what are these alien entities up to? 

Dr.  John Lash on metahistory.org suggests that the Archons are reptilian beings which have evolved from the Dinosaurs, and they take different forms to watch over humans, who they regard as their enemies.

Dr. John Lash’s research on Pagan Gnostics specifically identified the aliens as “artificial man” that have sought to mask themselves as “Gods” in stories of creations, and also to present themselves as “agents of progress” and “evolution” through their appointed “archons” on Earth.


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