UFO · Exopolitics 4348 Views by JD91

UFO Orbs Descends Over Hollywood, California

Date: 5 July, 2016.

Place: Hollywood, State of California, United States.

According to an anonymous report published on UFO specialised website MUFON.com, a Hollywood resident affirmed having seen a “bright orb” hovering above the Californian neighbourhood.

“I noticed a fireball like orb in the sky, which I had seen before so it grabbed my attention as another UFO type object”, the witness stated. “I stopped to watch it and right when I was about to pull up my camera to film it flashed brightly before slowly turning into a barely visible object”, he claimed.

Then, the unidentified craft “moved east through Hollywood towards downtown Los Angeles before descending quickly towards Earth”. However, while the object descended, the unnamed witness could see that “it seemed to morph into a very large black almost sheet-like parachute object, and then it disappeared”.

“One of the most fascinating things I've ever seen”, he expressed.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: https://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=77494&rnd=

Long Description of Sighting Report

At the time of the sighing, I was walking my dogs outside. I noticed a fireball like orb in the sky, which I had seen before so it grabbed my attention as another UFO type object. I stopped to watch it and right when I was about to pull up my camera to film it flashed brightly before slowly turning into a barely visible object. I kept my eye on it because I could still see it and I didn't want to lose it. I wanted to see if it would turn back into the bright orb again. So I watched it as it moved east through Hollywood towards downtown Los Angeles before descending quickly towards earth. As it flew downwards it seem to morph into a very large black almost sheet like parachute object and then it disappeared and I couldn't see where it landed. One of the most fascinating thing I've ever Seen! Amazing.


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