UFO · Exopolitics 3470 Views by Tanveer

UFO: Miami Airport Workers Witness Blue Distortion Behind Alien Object

Miami airport workers were shocked to witness blue distortion behind an alien object, as reported by UFO Sightings Daily.

The website, UFO Sightings Daily, is coordinated by Scott C. Waring. He had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan. 

Mr. Waring tells us that these UFOs have been observed in major cities around the globe.

“These long blue UFOs have been seen over major cities around the world, from Los Angeles To Kazakstan. There are at least 12 different videos from different cities around the globe with these strange craft.”

He tells us that in most cases the larger blue craft seems to cloak and disappear.

“In most cases the larger blue craft seems to cloak and disappear and only a tiny small craft from its nose remains.”

He further says that the smaller craft goes slower than the larger craft.

“Also this smaller craft, perhaps an escape pod always goes slower than the larger blue craft. About 30% its speed.”

Have you ever seen such a distortion in the sky?


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