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UFO: Alien Spacecraft Activity Scares Toronto Resident

A resident of Toronto was frightened by alien spacecraft activity on 31 July, 2016 at 10:02 pm. This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) published on 31 July, 2016.

The witness begins the report by telling us that while driving along a road he saw a falling star and then realized that there were 3 star-like objects in a triangular shape.

“While driving in car along road I saw a star falling fast down. I thought it was a shooting star but quickly realized there was three in a triangle shape.”

He says that the star was moving in and out of a triangle shape.

“I noticed that it was moving in and out of a triangle shape and was very weird.”

He then describes how anxiety filed his body and then talks about a flashing red light.

“Anxiety filled my body as I felt like the word was ending. A red light started flashing from the far left light.”

He says that he had never seen anything like that in the past.

“I have never seen anything like this in my life.”

The witness describes how the lights randomly turned off and then flew as a plane.

“Soon two of the lights randomly turned off and the final light glowed very bright as it soon sped off as a plane but way to fast to really be a plane.”

He says that the experience was very scary and talks about the possibility of alien presence in the UFO.

“Very scary it must have been an alien in this UFO.”

The above quotes were edited for clarity.

Star-like UFOs have been sighted by people around the globe. It seems that some UFOs take the shape of a star to avoid being detected. 


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