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Washington Witness Photographs Sphere UFO

There have been loads of reports related to UFOs of late, especially in Washington.  It is sometimes hard to know what is real and what is not from the reports that are often made. Just recently, June 4, 2016 another report was made by an eye witness that confessed to watching and photographing a sphere-shaped UFO that appeared to emerge from a cloud formation.

The witness who was outside on the beach with a girlfriend in Port Angeles, said that the object hovered before it moved back to the cloud, this is as per the testimony in case 76808 from the Mutual UFO Network, MUFON, witness reporting database.

“We observed a dark UFO emerge from a cloud over the harbor,” the witness stated. “We had been commenting on the oddness of the long, thin, spirally dense cloud on a clear day.”

The witness who had been taking photos of the cloud was stumped and curious at the same time when the object suddenly emerged from the clouds and he did not waste any time in taking the photo of a lifetime.

“As if in cue, it ‘posed’ as it were, for one shot and then retreated back within the cloud.”

So far no other sightings of this nature have been reported in Port Angeles. But fear is still with the citizens of this densely populated area. With a population of 19,038 weird things never go undetected and that is why Washington Field Investigator Maurene Moran is investigating on the matter.

As much as UFOs are a scare, living with the fear of what is unknowingly out there is much worse. There will always be weird stuff but remember that most UFOs can be simply explained after further investigation is done. Some flying objects can be as a result of nature or just something that is man-made.


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