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Incredible Story of How Humans Meet Aliens

December 22, 2005 - Houston Native Clayton Lee and his wife Donna Lee claim that they have been abducted by aliens several times. The experience was nothing new to Clayton who experienced being abducted by aliens at a very young age. Clayton Lee's first experience in alien abduction happened at a Houston Park. He described that he was lifted up into the air. From then on, he claims to experience the feeling of being watched by unknown beings all the time.

Clayton Lee's wife Donna claims that a fetus was removed from her belly during one of the abductions. She was the one who drew a detailed sketch of how aliens look like. According to the article stated by Geers, J (2016, April 1) Donna Lee stated, "I felt like was being lifted into the air." She recounted, "And all that were around me were stars and blackness." She says that she has blacked out after.

The couple believes that they have been truly abducted although they do not want to talk about tests that were supposedly conducted by aliens when they were taken hostage. Their reason for this is because aliens purposely leave implants on the bodies of humans that they abducted.

The details about their abduction are terrifying that they have garnered the interest of several professionals. Susan Clancy, a psychiatrist is one of the people who became interested and she did a lot of research about their case. Clancy is a non believer of alien abductions. She stated that those who claim to have been abducted by aliens usually feel different psychological symptoms and have gone through a lot of psychological trauma. She cannot deny the fact however that the moment she posted an ad about alien abductions, a lot of people called to share their stories.

In the news, the couple was shown to have undergone hypnotism in order to remember what has occurred during their latest abduction. It led to the screaming of the female Lee saying, "They're touching me! - quit touching me!"

From the time that the couple has claimed to be abducted by aliens, a lot of supporters and skeptics have bombarded them with questions and even other stories claiming that they have also gone through experiences that are similar to theirs. The couple have been featured not only in articles but also in different alien abduction books from different parts of the globe.

While they have survived the terrifying abductions, they are positive that they will be abducted again and will be checked in the future. Believing in aliens and flying saucers may not be considered the norm at present time but the fact cannot be denied that some things that have occurred are hard to explain.


Sources and References:

1. htto://www.local6.com/news/5614405/detail.html

2. http://www.ufocasebook.com/leeabduction.html

3. http://thoughtcatalog.com/jacob-geers/2016/04/8-true-alien-abduction-stories-thatll-make-you-fucking-terrified-of-ufos/


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