Aliens: Michigan Resident Reports Reptilian Entity, Rings and Helicopter Activity

This latest report of alien activity on our planet Earth was reported to have taken place 7 November 2016 in Romulus, Michigan and was reported on MUFON.

"Noticed double circles across the road then seen what looked like reptilian like beings in the tree line. I looked up and noticed a disk like object just below the tree line. It was very foggy this morning so I went outside to see if I was really seeing what I took pictures of. While I'm writing this at 10:46am there is a helicopter going over my house. I did see this with my naked eye.I see these rings daily around my house for the past month."

The circles shown in the photo appear to be some kind of time-space displacement consistent with some kind of teleportation mechanism that might have been used by the alien that was repoeted by this Michigan residemt.


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