Nuclear War: Stopping World War III could take a trip through the U.S. Supreme Court
I could write a whole book about how to legally stop World War III, having written multiple books about the nefarious agenda of the COVID plandemic and the so-called "vaccines". However, there might not be enough time in light of the rapid speed that non-human entities and their elite surrogates are apparently seeking to pursue World War III.
This relatively succinct article is dedicated to Americans who share growing concerns about World War III, and are waiting for Presidential Elections in November and the possibility of a new Donald Trump election to turn America and the world back to sanity.
Indeed, it is notable that the previous Trump administration started no wars while dangerous wars feeding a political-military-industrial-complex has proliferated in the prevailing Biden administration.
Well, it looks like November could also be too late.
Americans may need to take back America now in order to forestall the imminent direction of World War III and cannot wait for Donald Trump as their saviour.
Things are looking bleaker everyday thanks to Biden authorizing NATO-backed Ukrainian reactionary forces to now attack Russian soil.
Are they outta their mind? Yes, they are. Satanists have re-branded themselves to be "liberals" and regard Armageddon through nuclear war as a "good thing" which will result in an environment in which the weak shall perish as part of Satan's plan for a "Brave New World".
Americans can begin to immediately forestall World War III through a class action lawsuit ultimately through their Supreme Court which relies on the following quote from the architects of the U.S. Declaration of Independence who foresaw that possibility that America might become subjected to a totalitarian agenda which posed a destructive threat to the entire nation.
"....That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Simply put, any Americans who feel that the imminent direction of any form of government of the United States is provoking a global conflict which threatens to destroy America itself along with the overwhelming majority of the American populace can argue through the United States Supreme Court that such a government is without legitimacy requiring an immediate Presidential Election as directed by the Supreme Court.
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