Facebook Dating – Don’t use the apps

It is true – you can use Facebook as a dating website. There are even dating applications on the site that you can use for that very goal. However, ideally you should avoid these at all costs. The people that use Facebook dating applications are morons. Well, not all of them but most of them are. Or they are just bored halves of a couple, sat in bed at night, watching their girlfriend or boyfriend sleep and wishing they had something better to do. Trust us, we’ve done it. Sad but very, very true.

The worst thing about using Facebook dating applications is that they have a very nasty habit of advertising to the whole world, (well, at least those that can see your Facebook wall) exactly what you are doing. Do you really think your Mum needs to know that you have just installed an application called “Are You Interested?” No, we didn’t think so.

There are plenty of ways that you can find love on Facebook. From using paid advertisements to random event invitations; where there is a will, there is a way. There was a case study on one very nice gentleman that paid around twenty dollars for a Facebook advertisement, got thirty clicks out of it and at least 4 leads. What the term “lead” means exactly, nobody knows and it is probably wise not to hazard a guess!

The truth is that there are plenty of ways that you can find love on social networking sites. We have already discussed things like advertisements and event invitations – take a look at local events going on, the people that are going, and then invite yourself if someone catches your eye. You could also just perform random searches for people to add random girls or boys that you like the look of – you would be surprised by how many people are already doing this in a bid to find love.

The fact of the matter is there are over 600 million users on Facebook. If you take out the fake profile pages – you know the ones, ex-girlfriends that create fake profiles to stalk or test whether or not their men are going to cheat, you are probably left with around 550 million people. Take out the complete weirdoes and you will have about 400 million. Maybe a bit less, depending on what your idea of a weirdo is. Then say half of those are married – 200 million. Take out another half of that again for people that you wouldn’t be seen dead with and you have around 100 million. That’s a lot more people than you would find on a dating website or those awful random blind dates! It just goes to show – these social networking sites such as Facebook could be good for something other than just updating a status and keeping in touch with friends and family – it could even find you love!


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