Sex Trends In 2022 – What to Try This Year to Elevate Your Orgasms?

Have you noticed that so many shows and movies in 2022 deal with polyamorous relationships, transsexuality, and sexual freedom? Even if you are not a big fan of television and cinema, you can still read about these things a lot. Blogs, magazines, books – these topics are trending this year, and they talk about them everywhere. And has 2022 brought us some more steamy sex trends? The answer is yes, and when you read about them here, you will probably be enticed to try many things from the list! So, what are the latest bedroom trends? Let's talk about them today!

Being Non-Monogamous, But Not Cheating

Are you one of those people that find polyamory enticing? You will be thrilled to learn that one of the 2022 sex trends is being in an open relationship! What does this mean? You can be with more people simultaneously, but it is not really cheating on your partner. Why is that? Because your relationship is consensually open. They call it ethical non-monogamy. There are many ways to be non-monogamous in an ethical way. For instance, you can have multiple romantic partners, who all know about one another. Some people stay loyal to one partner, who lets them have many dalliances. Many couples try sex with escorts or include a third party for a threesome every now and then. Some couples simply date many people at the same time, but they are honest about it. Swinging is also an option.

Why is this a trend in 2022? According to Happiness magazine people try consensual non-monogamy for different reasons. One of them is that we are simply curious and like to explore our sexuality. Did you know that sexuality can change over time? Just because we used to enjoy a specific thing as teens does not mean we will also want it when we are adults. Also, not everyone is made for a traditional relationship model, but that used to be a problem in the past. Trends like this were not acceptable by the society. People had to be in monogamous relationships. Nowadays, we are more open-minded and have more (sexual) freedom in general. We can try things our parents, grandparents, and ancestors could not without being judged. However, many people still find non-monogamy hard to understand, even when it is consensual. To them, it is outlandish and unacceptable.

Digital Sex and VR Porn

Another steamy trend in 2022 is trying digital sex. Many people pay for premium VR porn sites, or they try A.I. sex games. It is fun, more immersive than regular porn sites, and definitely safer than having sex with people you meet during clubbing. With digital sex, you can still get all the sensations you like. But a big pro is that you do not have to use a condom, and there are no risks of catching an STD. VR porn industry has been very lucrative for the last few years, especially since the pandemic.


People who are tech-savvy and produce porn have found many ways to make things juicier for us! For example, you have many porn sites where you can choose a pornstar to be your virtual girlfriend for a day. They also make new sex games every day, where we can have fun with animated sex partners.

Sexual Activities, But Without Intercourse

It is called outercourse, and it means doing everything but actually having sex. However, different people expect different things from this activity. Some will just want to dry hump, maybe receive or give a massage, and others include mutual masturbation as well. There are many ways to feel pleasure without penetration. If you are creative, you will probably find many steamy acts that work for you. It is a trend in 2022, mainly because many people want to wait before having sex with their partners after the pandemic. If you are significantly attracted to each other but want to wait, outercourse is a great solution! It is also very safe.

Being Heteroflexible and Exploring Your Sexuality

What does it mean to be heteroflexible? Basically, these are mostly straight people. They are attracted to the opposite gender, but sometimes they like someone of the same sex. They are not really bisexual, and they are not latent homosexuals and lesbians, but they just like to explore. Most of the time, a heteroflexible man wants to date women, and heteroflexible women like men. But there are those rare cases where they feel like having sex or a relationship with a same-sex partner.

Supplements That Improve One's Sex Life

Have you ever had problems with vaginal dryness? This is just one of the sexual health issues we can face when we are sexually active. Let's face it – we live in a predominantly unhealthy world. The food we eat, the work we do, all the stress… It all affects our health in general, not just our sexual health. So, there are many things we do that cause various issues in the bedroom. They can be more or less unpleasant, but some of these issues make it impossible for us to enjoy our sex life.

Luckily for us, today, we can rely on miscellaneous supplements to help us solve these problems. And it is a trend in 2022 to use supplements to improve your sex life! But, unfortunately, supplements can only help us when we also do other things right. You should know that you also have to eat healthy ingredients, drink only what is good for your body and try to avoid stressful situations. It is definitely hard to do, but we have no choice if we want to be healthy and functional in bed.

There are more trends, but maybe these 5 are the hottest in 2022. People have also gone crazy over transsexual partners, anal sex toys, upgraded foreplay, etc. And what is your favourite trend? Have you ever tried ethical non-monogamy, or maybe outercourse? Now you can!


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