International News 5450 Views by Mike Adams

Breast Milk: U.S. Airport Security makes fascistic demands against Mother

(NaturalNews) -- The apparent real agenda of U.S. airport security has absolutely nothing to do with airport security (“TSA” security is a joke) and everything to do with "prisoner training" the public. It's all about humiliation and dehumanization. It's about teaching the slave citizens that they are animals to be ordered around by a bunch of lawless government tyrants who only impersonate actual law enforcement officers (TSA "officers" are not sworn officers in any way, and they have no law enforcement training).

The latest example of all this involves a Hawaiian mother who recently attempted to board an airplane in Lihue, Hawaii. She was carrying a breast pump and several empty bottles to hold her breast milk later on. For those who may not know, many new moms frequently use breast pumps to fill bottles with their own natural mother's milk which they later give to their children.

Remarkably, upon seeing these empty bottles, the TSA agent in charge lapsed into a power trip frenzy and told her that she could not carry empty bottles on the airplane.

Now the TSA targets empty bottles, too

Hold on a second. First we're told we can't carry FULL bottles of water or other liquids because, we're told, those liquids could be mixed together using some totally fictitious laboratory process to make a liquid bomb. Now we're told we can't carry EMPTY bottles on the airplane, too? How's that? Are we soon going to be told that empty bottles pose a threat to national security because they might contain invisible bomb materials that nobody can see?

(Where does the TSA invent all this crap, anyway? Sometimes I think they just sit in the back room and play a break-time game called "Who can come up with the zaniest rule that the intimidated travelers will follow?")

So -- get this -- the woman was told by the TSA that she would have to fill the empty bottles with breast milk before she could board the plane. This is apparently the TSA's whacked-out logic on making sure none of those dangerous "empty bottles" get on the airplane, for whatever reason.

Except there is no "breast milking station" at the airport, of course. So where did the TSA direct this woman to go pump her breast milk? You guessed it -- the public restroom.

"I asked him if there was a private place I could pump and he said no, you can go in the women's bathroom," the woman said. "I had to stand in front of the mirrors and the sinks and pump my breast in front of every tourist that walked into that bathroom. I was embarrassed and humiliated and then angry that I was treated this way." (

You may have noticed this directive was issued by a male TSA agent. I can just see the scene now, with some pot-bellied sloth-like power-tripping pervert man saying, "Go milk your breasts in the bathroom!" and thinking to himself, "Or maybe I'll milk 'em for ya, what do you think about that?" It's a fact, by the way, that the TSA conducts multiple naked body scanner screenings on attractive women so that the perverts running the scanning imagery boards can get off in the back room. (

Getting back to the new mom, after she pumped the plastic bottles full of breast milk, she was then allowed to board! (Gosh, I'm surprised she wasn't then raided at gunpoint by the FDA for trafficking raw milk!)

The TSA's total mind game security hoax

Think about all this for a minute: if she had showed up with plastic bottles full of milk and explained they were breast milk, she would have been ordered to dump them down the drain under the "no liquids allowed over 3 ounces" rule. But when the bottles were empty, she was ordered to fill them with her own breast milk. Is the TSA just jacking with everybody to invent random, stupid requirements that have no rhyme or reason?

This is yet more evidence that TSA security is all just a big mind game. There's no actual reasoning to any of it. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. The TSA can stick their hands down your pants, finger your anus, remove your colostomy bag, undress your grandma behind the curtain (, feel your childrens' genitals, and now they can even order you to go into the bathroom and pump the milk out of your mammary glands!

You are just a slave now, get it? And slaves have no rights. No privacy. No due process and no Fourth Amendment protections against illegal searches. You are a slave under a system based on the total public humiliation of women while demanding complete obedience from everyone. Merely challenging the TSA's authority causes you to be detained (arrested) as a possible terrorist.

When will the American sheeple rise up against this runaway tyranny?

How has America become such a nation where a woman can't even fly on an airplane without some perverted government goon ordering her to "milk" her own breasts in the restroom?

More importantly, when will the public rise up against this tyranny and call for the mass arrest of all TSA agents who must now be charged with a long list of felony crimes, including sexual harassment, child molestation, and denying people their basic civil rights.

I have repeatedly warned you about this, and I'll warn you again: The TSA is the rise of the new Nazi-style brownshirts in America. Hitler's brownshirts "functioned as a paramilitary organization of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (or Nazi Party). It played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s," writes Wikipedia (

If their power is not checked, these lawless government thugs will soon be running highway checkpoints, harassing people on street corners, and functioning as a political paramilitary force that effectively puts troops on the streets across America -- yet these TSA goons swear no oath to the U.S. Constitution, so they have no loyalty to anything other than their government paycheque.

The TSA was created precisely because the federal government needed a class of low-IQ order takers who could be counted on to intimidate the population but would not be bound to any sworn oath of allegiance to the United States Constitution.

The entire collection of TSA agents is a gang of unindicted criminal felons who must now be held accountable for their crimes against the People. If they are not, then we no longer live in a nation where the rule of law applies. Instead, we have surrendered to rule by force and intimidation.

And that's exactly what the TSA wants.

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There are 1 comments on this post

This is incredulous!! We must stop the TSA and US government. They are dismantling the United States Constitution right in front of our own eyes, denying the very freedoms that they pretend to go to war over in other countries. The US spends over half the world's current military budget and uses military intervention ONLY in areas or countries that allow it to secure strategic operation locations or securing access to oil - of which it consumes 25% of the entire world's supply!! (as much as the next 5 largest oil consuming countries COMBINED!) It is the modern-day empire, and I would urge anyone to either assist in returning the US to it's former, law-full status or cease in supporting it.

We are getting more aggressive by the year as we become more comfortable with our posture and abilities. Iraq, invaded and overthrown. Libya, invaded and overthrown. Iran, up next. Make no mistake, it is no coincidence that the US is positioning itself the way it is.

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