UFO: Aliens alleged to interfere in human love relationships

This is a written interview of me from an Italian colleague and researcher/author named Corvo. This interview is originally in Italian and can be found at: http://corvide.blogspot.ca/2014/01/il-lato-oscuro-di-cupido-sovrannaturale.html

An earlier post in Italian regarding my work and book, “The Love Bite” can also be found at: http://corvide.blogspot.ca/2013/03/alien-love-bite.html

1) Eve, thank you for accepting this interview . To get started , can you introduce yourself and your work?

Thank you for doing the interview. Well, as many may already know I started out doing alien abduction research in the late 80’s and continued on with this as I started doing counseling and hypnotherapy with people who have had alien visitations. I used to work in the Biotech field in California (San Diego area) until I decided to change my career into counseling psychology. While getting my Masters degree, I took a special interest in alien abduction research and also came across survivors of MK Ultra, ritual abuse and milabs later on. Initially, I had hopes that the ETs taking people (and regarding my own experiences) were benevolent beings helping us spiritually and so on. But there was always a hunch deep down inside that there was something “off” with that because of the night terrors I had growing up, that I now realize were related to being taken. Also, because of the stories I heard, there was almost always the element of post traumatic stress and memory loss associated with most alien visitations. So to make a long story short, my research started in the late 80s and by the time 2000 rolled around I had written many non-fiction articles on the subject and wrote my first book, “The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships”. This book is on the more taboo elements I had observed within the alien abductee and milab subpopulation and the inspiration for this book was not only my own experience or “alien love bite”, but the work of Dr. Karla Turner and Barbara Bartholic– the latter who became my mentor before and after my book was published. Both Turner and Bartholic are now dead unfortunately, and with unusual circumstances, I might add. It was Barbara Bartholic’s continued support, compassion and wisdom about the alien abduction phenomena that helped me understand my own experiences and how deep the “rabbit hole” really goes.

As I did more research, counseling with abductees and conducting a support group for abduction related traumas, I learned alot more than what was being reported publicly about alien abductions. And that is the milab element, the paranormal anomalies and experiences that abductees have that indicate the aliens are interacting on a much deeper level than simple “medical physical abductions” or even milab operations. It goes deep into the psyche on multidimensional levels of being. In other words, the aliens could interact and affect us in our interpersonal lives, relationship orchestrations, dream visitations and all kinds of testing and training scenarios, emotional testing, psychological and spiritual interactions. And of course what I termed the “distractions, disruptions and spiritual warfare element” of alien and milab investigations. This is actually what compelled me to write about the subject more than anything else. Of course all of this is in my first book along with case histories of abductees who knew their love relationship to be orchestrated, oftentimes from early childhood bondings and meetings with the aliens and their chosen targeted partner.

 2) Your latest book, “The Dark Side of Cupid : Love Affairs, The Supernatural and Energy Vampirism ,”further explores the theme of “Love Bite “. How to distinguish a positive, loving relationship from a vampiric one ?

Good question. One would think it would be obvious, but we must distinguish between a true energy vampire–love bite versus simple unresolved psychological issues that may manifest as interpersonal dfficulties. And the difference between a clear cut “alien love bite” and what I defined as a “Dark Side of Cupid” type of relationship. In the alien love bite drama, one or both partners is an abductee and they are often quite aware of which ETs/entities are involved in visiting them regularly. They may have specific memories of being taken by these entities from childhood and then brought together with another child (as children) or partner and put in situations under the aliens “experimental design” to observe and make sure that this couple will bond and develop a powerful connection when meeting later in life physically. In the alien love bite, we most often see the “high drama” and unconsummation themes or what is clearly described in the Love Bite book case histories. Oftentimes there is the sense of psychic energy vampirism, and yet both partners seem to be innocent in terms of how this is taking place. Either partner may not be an energy vampire but they both can be buffeted around in a manipulated drama by their alien handlers, who somehow (I believe) can siphon off the energy created through these intense dramas. As my investigations continued after the Love Bite book, I received more and more cases of what you would call the dark side of Cupid love bite, where the person, often a milab or abductee, seems to get set up over and over with a psychopathic type of partner who acts as an energy vampire, and who is observed to be hosted, partially possessed or fully hosted by a reptilian type of 4th dimensional entity. In the Dark Side of Cupid, the type of entity may vary and not even be perceived as an ET per se. In essence, the more unresolved and unhealed issues a person may have, this may enhance the probability of having interpersonal issues where they either act as an emotional vampire or they attract psychopathic types of partners as an interpersonal pattern. So in the DSOC book I go into great detail about emotional versus psychic vampires, hosts and predators and how to recognize ones own blind spots of unhealed wounds. I go into describing how we can communicate and interact with one another to avoid relationship problems that would make a love bite worse.

Of course a vampiric relationship is where one or both partners use and take energy and attention in a needy narcisscistic way, where love (if present at all) is more conditional and usually you will see some form of psychopathy in a vampiric relationship. In a regular and loving relationship there is mutual respect and awareness for energy exchange and the persons can draw upon their own divine essence, heart nature for energy, instead of having to always take it from another person. It is my belief that there are people and entities–like alien parasites–who lack a connection to the heart-soul divine essence. And when this is the case, they must seek emotional energy and “prana” from others because they either cut themselves off from their own source or they do not have a soul. (Or the soul is oppressed from the connection with mind and spirit in the body) Again, in the DSOC book I go into detail about this and why some people who have much trauma and unhealed wounds will actually cut off from their own core essence, to avoid emotional pain, and when they do this they become super needy for others wanting constant attention and love. Even if it’s negative attention, some people do this because they can not access their own source of divine core energy. With a vampiric relationship you may have a greater liklihood of having an attached entity whois connected to the primary energy vampire.

3) Can you illustrate a case from the book, that in your opinion is particularly interesting ?

Well, in the Love Bite book I’d say the case of John and Nadine had a more classic alien love bite orchestrated connection for what seemed to be the aliens purposes of selective breeding if they could and also to “prep” them for telepathic communication abilities for future use”. Janis and Alex is a good case and the Angelina and Steve case. The latter case exemplifies the milab, reptilian and love bite aspects which involve the more nefarious aspects of the entire drama. In the Dark Side of Cupid I categorized the types of cases into 4 main types categories from the milder cases to the severe ones with the hosted, predator-psychic vampire types of partners. In the last category of the severe cases it’s very obvious that it’s a manipulated relationship with something non-human interfering. Most are the third party entity type cases where some entity is sensed interfering in the relationship. I would say the Amy and Thomas is a good case to observe the energy vampirism issue with a definite entity overshadowing a partner. But all are pretty good cases that represent what happens in real life. The category I found quite revealing of evidence of New Age deceptions and corruption is the Mythic Dramas, Spirit Guides and Emotional Vampirism. In these cases some form of channelling was involved where the spirit guide entity(s) were the source of the relationship interference and energy vampirism. In such cases the individuals were not necessarily “alien abductees” with any kind of ET visitation history.

 4) From reading your book, it is clear that the aliens operate a real “micro management” of victim life, how can we imagine it ?

Oh yes, this was clearly evident early on when I started sharing more in depth the “secret lives” of abductees, contactees and milabs. Not all of them appeared “malevolent” in terms of involvement in someones life. There were many people who were genuinely spiritual, very sensitive and what some call “indigo” type people who seemed to be assisted by true benevolent spiritual guidance and also a negative disruptive element of milabs or negative ETs, or the positive versus negative ET wars. Such a case in the DSOC is the Becky and Cecil case. On the whole however, most of the micromanagement of these persons lives, when they are still being regularly “visited’, have many elements of their lives conditioned from a very early age. Beliefs, relationships, careers, etc. It’s like you can see a type of social engineering in a large portion of the abductee population, that I think now is a mixture of people truly wanting to get to the truth and those who are acting out their hidden conditioning and mind control programming from abductions. It is essential to be as self aware and honest with oneself as possible. Regression therapy is helpful in getting to the root of some traumatic experiences, or those you think are “ok” but upon closer examination may hold a hidden element which caused a deep subconscious belief or decision to be made which heavily affects ones course in life. I think if anyone has such a concern, their honest intentions to uncover their own truth will offset the programming. It’s all about awareness. Once we become aware of what affects us, we have power over whether to act or react to these triggers or choose another option. Responding differently.

 5)  Many human relationships end badly, with great suffering, how many of them due to the alien interference ?

I believe that the extradimensional interference factor is something going on behind the scenes more than we can imagine. And yet maybe this has always been so, and is part of the human condition for us to work through. Based on the Roper Poll of the early 1990s, it was estimated that about 2% of the population have had unusual experiences that fall into the alien abduction and near death experience categories. I think it’s more, personally. It’s about awareness of other dimensional realities and forms of life that we can interact with. I think the interference aspect has been noticed especially in the abduction, milab population but is also becoming more apparent with very highly aware spiritually focused people. Such a case is a recent blog post interview I did on 1/1/013 with an Indian pranic healer named Kailasnath.( See http://evelorgen.com/wp/news/twin-flames-liberation-and-enlightenment-from-a-vedic-perspective-interview-with-indian-pranic-healer-and-love-bite-experiencer-kailasnath/)

What I’m starting to see is very aware, sensitive and spiritually focused individuals realize, often in hindsight–that their relationships have been set up so that they are delayed or prevented from meeting their true love, soul mate or twin flame partner. Or simply the interference seems to be to prevent true love and harmonious love connections that enhance true sovereignty, liberation and truth. I have come across what appear to be positive set ups by aliens/ETs with people as well. Some were clearly serving the alien agenda deceptions and seemed to be rewarded with a love connection as long as they served that agenda. Then there were those who seemed to be set up or they were disrupted, but continued to maintain the powerful love connection despite the interference. In these cases, in order to maintain the sacred love connection, both partners had to be in full communication and enhanced awareness of the “interdimensional” reality, and then actively dealt with their own unique unhealed wounds which would complicate true intimacy and powerful love. In a non-interfered with relationship, these same issues of working out ones own personal obstacles is also important in order to have a more harmonious, compatible relationship. But when you have interference you know it. I mean it’s pretty obvious if it’s going on– the paranormal stuff, the high dramas, and artificially induced synchronicities. Basically you know it if you have it going on, and from then on you will be able to recognize it’s “energy signature”.

One of the interesting side effects of a love bite kind of relationship is that once you’ve had one, it can open up your sensitivities so that you are actually more aware after the fact. I think this could be due to how our energy system is amplified and opened up after such an experience. Plus the wisdom gained through such an experience.

 6) One of the most difficult things in dealing with the phenomenon is to discriminate between the spiritual, the psychological and the material aspects. What is your take on this?

Well, many in the UFO research and even alien abduction want to focus solely on material evidence. This is good because it’s nice to have a baseline of what types of physical evidence occur in alien abduction and contact cases, as well as milabs. These things tend to be physical landing marks, recovered craft, bodies, alien implants, flourescence markings, medical issues and evidence such as missing pregnancies or fetuses expelled that appear alien human hybrid. There was a case in Italy of a hybrid reptilian baby/fetus miscarried by an abductee. The medical issues abductees commonly report are gynecological anomalies, physical marks, scars, injection marks or signs of surgeries they do not recall ever having. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, missing time, etc. Then there are other things like knowledge of things they have not recalled ever learning such as advanced physics, alien languages or script, or other things they just “seem to know”, marital arts abilities, and things the aliens taught them in their “secret life” abduction reality.

Spiritually it’s not as easy to define, but the alien parasite issue that Dr. Corrado Malanga discovered in his research point to mental and spiritual parasites that affect the person “spiritually”. In one of my earlier supersoldier interviews with a man named “Zed”,(See http://evelorgen.com/wp/articles/military-abduction-milabs-and-reptilians/interview-with-a-milab-supersoldier-recovered-from-military-and-reptilian-drac-control/ )

he described the subtle difference between the military mind control programming effects and triggers, behaviors versus the reptilian and draco influences. In the reptilian and draco influences it was more “seamless”, spiritual and subtle, and almost felt as if it was “part of him naturally” but in fact was not, after he did intense healing, spirit releasement and meditation for a year living in nature alone, basically. But now with Malanga’s liberation techniques and so many others coming out in the alternative healing community, such as Holographic Kinetics, there are shamanic methods and hypnotheapeutic ways of discovering these influences and eliminating them without fear.7

7) In many of your articles you make reference to the Italian Corrado Malanga . What are the author’s Italian concepts most relevant to your work?

Malanga’s work is genius, brilliant. I was so happy to come across his work and his honesty in his research. I found so many of the same things and have encountered much disagreement and censorship of the elements of spiritual attachments, parasites, paranormal interference, milab operations, virtual reality operations and of course the most taboo is the love bite itself. Malanga was able to determine how these aliens really operate by doing in depth hypnosis and NLP which could access the deeper soul aspect of the person. The soul aspect he referred to as “anima”. This is the part of a person that can exist in the eternal present, be aware of all that has occurred and access information and memories about the aliens true intentions and nature. The troubling aspect was how the aliens involvement, parasitism actually facilitated a disconnect and lack of internal coherence with the mind, spirit, soul of the person within their body. Once the connection was re-established and the parasites or Active Alien Memories (AAM)s neutralized, then the abductee had much better awareness and connection with their soul/heart and could deflect the abductions through awareness and the power of their integrated consciousness with soul power fully engaged. I found his work with the milabs, alien parasite life cycle and cloning or “copying” to be revelatory. (See http://flashmentalsimulation.wordpress.com/2012/01/13/global-picture-of-alien-interferences/ and http://flashmentalsimulation.wordpress.com/2012/01/13/the-cloning/)

So many milabs and abductees seemed to remember experiences or “milab operations” in another body much younger than their normal one, which revealed they were being transferred into cloned or copied bodies. Which is what some abductees like Ted Rice and other milabs have remembered but were never believed. (For example in the Masquerade of Angels book by Dr. Karla Turner and recapitulated in the Love Bite). Or, they were taken out of their human body and inserted into an alien body and then carried out jobs in their alien identity such as the Simon Parkes case in the UK.

8) One hot topic that you explore is the MILAB phenomenon. According to your research, what is the relationship between Aliens and the Military ?

Milabs are so fascinating, and seem to be a larger and larger part of the alien agenda in my view. But there also seem to be strictly alien contacts and abductions without military involvement. I think there are military/secret government organization factions which have made pacts with what appear to be certain alien species such as greys, reptilians, dracos, some Nordic types, mantis, etc., so that it seems the milab involvement of an abductee comes after the fact of having been an abductee, or it’s in their family line long before the military got involved in their case. It is postulated that the military have a running list of who most abductees are, and then they monitor them or even sheep dip them into their own secret operations under mind control because of their innate abilities. The more psychic and talented you are, the more the military secret government factions come after you like hound dogs. In the former interview I mentioned with the supersoldier named “Zed”, he realized that the military (US secret govt, although it’s really international) made pacts with reptilians who would train these soldiers for not only their own agenda, but then offer them to the military because of some pact having been made.  But the aliens in his case–reptilian/dracos–had the upper hand in terms of the programming and the alien programming superceded the military agenda unbenownst to the military. In Zed’s case he recalled some training scenarios on the dark side of the moon, among other locations and even on the Mars Base working within an organization he called “Earth Defense League” or EDL. In general, what I’ve seen are that alien abductees are used by the military because of abilities such as enhanced psychic abilities, eidetic and photographic memories, bilocation ability, martial arts, telepathic and clairvoyant abilities, etc. These attributes are I believe genetically enhanced or at least conditioned through different kinds of trauma and training in their “secret life”.  According to Zed, he believes that there are military factions who are quite concerned about the malevolent and deceitful behaviors and agenda of the aliens and want to counteract some of this “damage” by training supersoldiers with ablities to offset the more nefarious aspects of the alien agenda. It’s not a black and white issue, and yet in order to deal with the aliens, one must be as adept as a yogi, shaman warrior Jedi to deal with how these aliens can interfere and manipulate. Fighting them with guns and physical combat is not as effective as knowing how to deal with them on these mental, spiritual levels. The frontiers of consciousness and integration of consciousness.

In some of Barbara Bartholic’s work, early on she had noticed that the aliens have a superior way of creating virtual reality scenarios within an abductees experience. For example, they could superimpose a human, or military looking image within an experience to make you think you were dealing with a military person, when in fact it was a reptilian. And I can also say I have interviewed milabs who were in group abductions with others “in a tranced out state” where a cardboard cutout of a reptilian image was being imposed upon them to keep them in line in fear that there was a reptilian being present, when there was not. Or in another milab case, the abductee was lucid enough to see an alien doll figure that was fake within one of her experiences. Both things occur. In the Janice and Alex case in the Love Bite book, the woman described how the aliens could create this virtual reality room almost like a Star Trek Holodeck, to be the internal imagery of the abductees home, but it was actually a white plain, room that was used to be a template for other realities that could be superimposed within the abductees experience. So many of abductees experiences are dreamlike, and I think that the aliens can somehow tap into our memory banks to perceive imagery from our personal lives and use this when doing things while on a ship, underground or in another dimensional reality. One thing that I discovered was that when several abductees shared their dreams, they often found that they had mutually shared dreams with similar if not identical elements, indicating they indeed shared an abduction/virtual reality experience carried out by aliens. The more lucid someone was, the more they could tell what was going on. Derrel Sims had a case of a joint abduction years ago, and found that the most aware abductee could tell how the others were in a trance like state, “acting out what they thought they were seeing or doing”. Amazing really.

9) We know that the aliens are capable of projecting illusions, virtual reality in the minds of abductees. How do we distinguish between genuine and screen memories?

This is something that is a hot topic and is discussed alot amongst milabs. In one of my interviews with Maarit the Scandinavian milab woman, she described virtual reality technology and how she would perceive a flash of light before being immersed into VR. She described the difference between VR and a remote viewing perception. With VR you may not have physical evidence, obviously. Another milab supersoldier who has gone public with his VR experiences is Richard Rogers. He describes typical VR training scenarios.(See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1aVHe39Qac)  His book can be found on Amazon at : http://www.amazon.com/Warriors-Light-Richard-L-Rogers/dp/1463607857

I do think there is an advanced technology which enables the hijack of the persons consciousness into a forced “lucid dream” scenario. Some abduction attempts can be sensed before they can hack into our reality, such as a loud humming or earthquake rumbling sensation that precedes or follows coming back from an abduction. Then there are other types of OBE abductions where it is so subtle, it’s like one minute you are in bed, relaxed and ready to go asleep only to instantaneously find oneself in another reality, like an abduction “lucid dream”.

When I read Carlos Castenda’s, The Art of Dreaming, The Eagles Gift and The Fire Within, I saw descriptions of shamanic dreaming and entering into the “second attention” which was similar to a type of other reality abduction.  Or more accurately, a shifting into another reality by changing ones “assemblage point”. In some of these descriptions the Nagual sorcerer could change his apprentice’s assemblage point, after which the “reality/dimension” was changed and they both were in “another reality” instantaneously, body included. In other words, it was not just a mental experience or astral “abduction” but in fact a real shift into other realities. When I consider these practices in sorcery, I am beginning to think that the aliens or even humans in secret projects–are doing something like this, except with the aid of advanced technology. In these cases, it would actually  be a true physical abduction but it is not always remembered clearly. The Nagual sorcerer who is adept at changing his own assemblage point repeatedly can recall the entire experience however. It would behoove us to enhance our own awareness and lucidity in order to understand abductions and heightened degrees of perception. Shamanic and lucid dreaming is a good place to start.

 10) What are the purposes of the Aliens ?

The aliens agenda  is much like what Dr. Corrado Malanga hypothesizes. To live through us, souled humans in order to live indefinitely through parasiting our “bodies/containers”. These types of aliens would be the ones Malanga describes as corporeal and incorporeal entities who lack a soul component to their being. They may have a mind component or a mind and spirit or maybe just a spirit component, but need to link into our soul essence energy field in our bodies to live through us as parasites. Understood in this way we could see that these forms of entities who lack a soul component are temporal beings. I also believe the aliens are aiming to manipulate our genetics which would enhance the parasitism vulnerability while maintaining enough human DNA to capture the soul essence, yet keep it imprisoned within a fully alien parasitized consciousness. This is what I believe transhumanism is really all about.

There may be other races out there who are soulled and living for the purpose of soul-spiritual evolution just like we do. Some good, bad and all the shades inbetween. But in my view, the true character of a being can be assessed if you can read energy and perceive whether they are parasites or energy vampires. In the former interview with Kailasnath the pranic healer, he was able to discern between the divine soulled energy and what he calls “dark depleting energy” of a truly negative being.

 11) Do you see an evolution in the relationship between them and us or it is a stable situation ?
This is a good question. I see that parasitism is not beneficial for us, and serving them only. Perhaps the alien presence helps us learn about ourselves and can provide the fertilizer for us to evolve spiritually. But to do this we must find ways to defend ourselves against their predation. They are clearly not good for us if they are parasitic predators seeking to consume our soul essence! I do not think it is a stable situation. I see them being able to manipulate others too much to help carry out their agenda. It’s much like what the ancient Gnostics warned us about in the Nag Hammadi Library. They–the archons– infect our minds and cause us to err in our beliefs. Then we carry out activities through these false beliefs. But it’s also true they can parasite and possess our minds and then these people become hosts to carry out their anti human anti life/anti Earth agenda. Transhumanism and a disconnect from our planetary animal mother, Sophia– our source of life and wisdom connection. It seems like a program to keep us looking to outside ET gods rather than staying empathically connected to the Earth and with each other.12) In my book, “Apocalisse Aliena”,  I analyze the apocalyptic messages issued by these entities. The phenomenon was also handled by C. Malanga. What can you tell us about those future events?

I think the future events are partially orchestrated by these EMEs as you call them, so that we believe a narrative which will give it power to actually happen, ie., an apocalypse. So I believe that these entities want us to use our belief and imagination to create a reality they want to happen, which is quite destructive and anti life.

And then there are other beings who may not be ETs/aliens who are other dimensional beings, who may very well know what future trends lie, and can warn sensitives about these trends that are forecasted. These forecasts are perhaps like what we can expect based on what epoch we are in such as the end of the Kali Yuga. It seems we are at the tail end of an epoch or era, where some beings are ready to move on to another kind of experience, rather than be recycled into the same old system we seem to have been stuck in for a very long time. This is a topic that others are considering, such as the akashic reader “Galactic Historian known as Andrew Bartiz. (See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioGxyeyuHco)

I think we as humans need to reclaim our own power and sovereignty back. The conditions on this planet are forcing us to either become our true potential or lose the opportunity. It’s like we are being forced to wake up and be our highest potential or be exterminated as a race through the alien transhumanism agenda.

*Comments by Corvo regarding Dr. Karla Turner's comments on end times prophecies by aliens etc.,“I have a comment  about the “End times” story. I’ll cite karla Turner that we deeply respect, in my book I have an extra chapter dedicated to her.From “Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda” by Karla Turner)“And Pat has been shown scenes of the return of Jesus, accompanied by space ships and aliens, preceding the “bad time on earth” which will destroy many of those who are not rescued.”

“Amy and Polly have been told of a coming “

“Angie’s abductors said that the “filth and evil” in this world will be cleansed as we are subtly changed.”

So Karla asked her higher self for an explanation, this is what she got in a series of dreams:

Esau, the older and hairier brother, they explained, represents the original human species on this planet. Jacob represents the altered product of alien genetic manipulations of that older species. The aliens produced this new variant and then used it to replace the original form. In our current situation, the aliens are once again doing genetic alterations of our species and are once again trying to produce a variant which will be more useful for their purposes and which will supplant us. And again it will be attempted through deception, as Jacob deceived Isaac. This deception, I was told, is being carried out by the aliens through exploitation and manipulation of global events, including weather phenomenon, to make us believe that the planet is in imminent danger of cataclysm and destruction. This is why they impress the idea of coming destruction upon so many abductees, telling then they will have tasks to perform at that time. They want us, as a race,


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