South Carolina witness reports Boomerang UFO

A South Carolina witness reports watching a boomerang-shaped object "with small red lights" that did not blink crossing the sky at the tree top level at 2 a.m. on November 5, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"It was moving kinda slow,"the witness stated. "It was kinda hazy or smoke-filled in a way. It was boomerang-shaped or V-shaped. It had small, red lights inside of it, but the lights were not blinking, and the object did not make a sound. It was low flying. It went right over the tree tops."

The witness reports seeing the same object earlier in the year.

"But this time the object was moving faster. It was traveling in the same direction as before, but the red lights were fainter, and it was flying low, just as before."

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