Extraterrestrials in Film: Fukushima manifests Archon-orchestrated World War III plot

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There are two ways to perpetrate destruction. One way is to launch an offensive attack which creates destruction. The other way is to engage in calculated negligence which allows destruction to take place.

Investigative researchers like Jim Stone have documented evidence that Fukushima was perpetrated using exotic technologies which included an intelligently-guided computer virus, and a “tsunami bomb”.

Whether Fukushima was a “conspiracy” or simply was an act of nature, there is one unmistakable fact. Since the aftermath of Fukushima, there has been no systematized international effort to minimize its damage.

Calculated negligence on Fukushima benefits no human or “terrestrial” (Earthling). If we take the open mindedness of a forensic analyst who does criminal behavioural profiles, we can therefore conclude that calculated negligence on Fukushima is driven by a “non-terrestrial” or alien source. Apparently, this alien source also can exert control through governments.

If we extrapolate the current negligence on Fukushima into the relatively near future, we can scientifically establish with complete certainty, apocalyptic consequences against our oceans, which all carbon-based biological life forms on the planet depend on for oxygen, and quality-of-survival.

We can therefore conclude through intuitive deduction that systematized negligence on Fukushima is being orchestrated by an apparent non-carbon based alien presence of some kind. We can further conclude that this apparent alien presence has now declared a sort of World War aimed at humans as the dominant life forms of Earth’s biosphere.

Dr. John Lash documents ancient Pagan Gnostic accounts of “artificial man“ they called the “archons”. Ancient Pagan Gnostics described these archons as demonic lower dimensional silicon-based alien life forms which seek to parasitize the human mind through techniques of mind control.

Based upon apparent Pagan Gnostic insights, on mind control, these aliens can also appear to us, as humans.

There may be no better example than tat of the film which portrays our prevailing reality, based upon Pagan Gnostic knowledge of the apparent presence of the “archons”, than that of the example of John Carpenter’s They Live (1988).

Dr. Michael Salla has suggested that various science fiction on TV and on the “Big Screen” “hide truth in plain sight”. The same might also be said of John Carpenter’s They Live (1988).

In an interview on British television, David Icke suggested that the film was meant to portray today’s events in the United States in the aftermath of “terrorism“, economic collapse, tent cities, and environmental cataclysm. It is almost as is John Carpenter “time-travelled” to witness events which now, seemed scheduled to soon manifest through Fukushima and the recently U.S. Senate-passed “Defense Authorization Act”.

This Act declares the U.S. a “battle field“, and that all Americans are to be treated as a suspected “terrorists“. This Act suspends the need for Mirada rights to be read, and subjects Americans to indefinite arrest and detention without trial.

The Defense Authorization Act is set to turn America, and Canada along with it (as per Stephen Harper’s Border Pact and Security Perimeter) into a regressive Police State that was prophetically depicted in “They Live” by sometime in 2012.

In the above video clip, John Carpenter, again, almost as he was a time traveller, could be argued to have revealed the regressive alien agenda that is behind a “World War III” agenda against humanity.

Is Fukushima part of the agenda of apparent “archons” portrayed in the above film clip of They Live to “acclimatize” Earth through a “managed genocide” of the carbon-based biological life forms on our planet Earth?

Alongside Fukushima, is the “War on Terrorism: part of an alien/archon agenda, which us ultimately aimed at declaring all humans who are not alien collaborators as “terrorists”?

In the film They Live, does John Carpenter seek to depict the unfolding of the “New World Order” that was somehow revealed to him?

Up to 80 per cent of the caesium released by the Fukushima Daiichi power plant after the March 11 disaster landed in the Pacific and made its way into other oceans around the world, scientists at the Meteorological Research Institute said.

"The rest has fallen on land" in and around Fukushima, said Hiroshi Takahashi, a researcher at the institute in Ibaraki, northeast of Tokyo.

Scientists have discovered that the radioactive impact on surrounding oceans from the Fukushima nuclear disaster has already outstripped the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, meaning that the figure of nearly a million cancer deaths as a result of Chernobyl is set to be replicated.

Fukushima is creating a widening dead zone on the Pacific Ocean which threatens to destroy all oceans on our planet Earth.

Is John Carpenter’s “They Live” in which he played the main character in the film, a call for humanity to resist the archons’ alien agenda?

I do not communicate this message to you to inspire fear.  Rather, this is the basic science which confronts us, my fellow human beings. It is vital that we begin to hear David Icke message to “wake up”. We need to stop being mindless watchers of Television, and other entertainment spectacles which are apparently being used to distract us from the need for conscientious action on Fukushima, in the context of a broad archontic agenda.

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Watch the entire They Live film herein: http://agoracosmopolitan.com/news/ufo_extraterrestrials/2011/12/03/2068.html


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