British Columbia Cookbook earns international acclaim

Gourmand International named a Victoria book the winner in the French Cuisine category for books published in Canada.

How to Cook Bouillabaisse in 37 Easy Steps: A Culinary Adventure in Paris and Provence is by Victoria authors Diane Shaskin and Mark Craft.

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“I’m very honoured to receive this prestigious award,” said Shaskin. “We’re excited to be going to Paris to attend the awards and talk to publishers about foreign rights to the book.”

The couple will travel to Paris to receive their award on March 7 at the Folies Bergére, the famous theatre. In Paris the winning books in each category will compete for The Best in the World Award, the top prize.

How to Cook Bouillabaisse in 37 Easy Steps is a 308-page travel/cookbook chronicling the authors’ food-fuelled adventures in Paris and Provence, and includes 49 of their favourite French recipes.

The Gourmand World Cookbook Awards were established in 1995 and are recognized as one of the most important culinary awards in the world.

There are 26,000 food and wine books published each year, with more than 8,000 entered into the Paris Gourmand World Cookbook competition; 200 awards are handed out each year.

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