3 Reasons to Self-Publish With Agora Publishing Halifax, Nova Scotia

Are you an author in Halifax, Nova Scotia hoping to have your manuscript about the island’s way of life or your special thoughts and expertise published? Are you stuck and disappointed that conventional publishers and book distributors won’t take you on? Or are you looking to fast track you publishing process? If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, then visit Agora Books—the non-profit organization domiciled Canada. Agora Publishing Halifax, Nova Scotia had been providing authors with a professional self-publishing avenue since 1997. They are open to scholars, undergraduates and any experts who want to share what they know.

Writing has often been the preserve of a selected few and many would-be authors have simply given up on the way. The few that have completed their manuscripts know the nightmare it is to have it published by traditional publishing houses—previously the only way to achieve publishing success. Print-on-demand publishing houses like AgoraPublishing.com has changed all this and everyone can now be successful like Amanda Hocking—the successful self-published author of the Kanin chronicles. So dust up your manuscript and prepare to publish.

Here are three main advantages for -publishing with Agora Publishing currently:

Authors Retain Total Control

Conventional publishing houses work via cautiously picking out who best fits their publishing plans at the time. The process begins by accepting manuscripts from their current contracted authors or soliciting manuscripts from new authors.  Thereafter they begin the slow process of filtering through the manuscripts, to end up with the chosen few to work with. This, by itself, can take months and result in restless days for authors. Many authors lose patience, as result, or fail to make-the-cut and simply give up writing all together. A few resilient ones try out the next publishers and wait perpetually for their responses.

The few that get traditional publishing contracts have to give up their publishing rights and that includes deciding when the work will be published. With self-publishing, the author retains all the publishing rights and that means they control their work’s content, design, publishing date, distribution channels etc. 

Some pundits will argue that authors are simply not expert book designers and have little business sense when it comes to publishing. They argue that the quality of the book is the single biggest advantage that traditional publishers have.  Well, not anymore. Self-publishers currently approach publishing with more professionalism.  A lot of this is attributed to better print-on-demand platforms, like AgoraPublishing.com, and also the fact that self-publishers can now hire professional designers, editors and marketers who work much faster and are cheaper than traditional publishing professionals.

Speedy to set-up

Agora’s Self-publishing involves joining an online publishing platform that takes authors through the publishing process—while seated in the comfort of their homes. Authors can rapidly choose the structure of their book’s cover design, sales and distribution channels in a few clicks of their computer mouse. This can take from 5 minutes or as long as the authors deems fit.  Traditional publishers, on the other hand, takes writers through an exceptionally thorough procedure of manuscript selection, contracting, content alteration, structuring, designing, final publication and then distribution.  This can be very costly in terms of finances and the time it takes for the whole process to be completed.  Clearly, this approach guarantees quality material but it defers the books’ sales and also stretches the breakeven-point for the publishing house and by extension the authors’ royalties.  At this juncture it is important to keep in mind that self-publishers can now match or even surpass the quality of traditionally published books in a shorter time frame.

Wider Outreach

Agora’s self-publishing is a big gift to authors with regards to outreach. Since the writer holds all the rights, they dictate their books distribution channels (sound, paper back, digital book), publishing date, and pricing. This helps them determines how far the book goes—in terms of global outreach. Conventional publishers, on their part, won't be so quick to nit-pick every one of the options above. They just don't have the energy for web-based life and followers and so on. They have different revenue sources on their slates that will keep them occupied for a long time. However, when it comes to the sharing of profits and royalties, their authors often end up with the smaller chunk of it.


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