Manipulative aliens behind Mandela Effect lead march to World War III
When are people en masse are going to wake up to the obvious challenge that we face as human beings who seek a world which embraces peace, love for each other and a just society for all?
Humanity for quite a while now has been infiltrated by technologically sophisticated satanic-like aliens that are able to appear to us as regular human beings. They are now seeking to push humanity into World War III as part of their agenda to rule over humanity in a dystopian "Hell Planet" which they can control.
The so-called leaders championing this march to World War III are imposters, and even this planet that we popularly call "Earth" is not even the real Earth as the Mandela Effect reveals. Here the sun is white and larger than the real Earth's sun which is smaller and yellow, the Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island and not "Liberty Island" along with numerous other changes in time-space which appear to have been implemented by demonic aliens.
It's apparent that humans have been abducted by demonic aliens and put in this artificial realm for both "scientific study" and "entertainment". Many of the people in this realm who are just going along with the alien agenda appear to be part of this apparent simulation.
This is not Earth but an apparennt ruse to look like Earth.
You can find my most recent book HERE which explores the demonic alien agenda as it pertains to the "plandemic".
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