Letters and Editorials 3250 Views by Joseph

Occupy Wall Street: Futility of the Call To Arms

In response to the embedded video [above] `A Critical Call To Action - Occupy Wall Street', I suggest that which is being asked namely, to put an end to the corruption by jailing the `criminals' responsible for the global financial collapse is somewhat futile and to a degree, redundant.

Why you may ask do I believe this so?

Face it, one need only watch what is happening around the world in response to the OWS movement: these encampments are increasingly coming under attack by the media, the local governance and police garnering the growing support of the `sheeple' who are becoming increasingly bored and complacent by virtue of the repetitiveness of main stream media's coverage that amplifies the `lack of a clear message' representing the movements objectives. But, more importantly to the argument that the `call to action' asked for by this video [above] is futile stems from the fact that the `true power' rests and remains squarely and most blatantly with those to whom the call is directed: the power elite.

One need only examine the events of Cairo's Tahrir Square movement that catalyze into the ousting of Egypt's corrupt regime only when the military and security organization fell behind the Egyptian people.

Until the security apparatus at all levels that are the front-line barrier to anything substantive manifesting with respect to those within the oligarchy being held accountable for what has and continues to transpire globally, the OWS movement world-wide is impotent in its goal to realize any substantive change to the statues-quo.


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The civil movement afoot should not incorporate in my opinion, a religious affiliation fore it is not a forum for such intrusion however, that said, I do agree the incumbents of the named religious organizations as `citizens' who believe and espouse compassion and love of brother and sister, should join the rest of the citizenry in this vital quest to take-back and affirm our rights as citizens of this Earth on equal footing.
In today's world we are offered a frustrating choice between “robbing Peter to pay Paul”, (liberal socialism) or settling for “trickle down democracy”, (conservative capitalism), and the shared strategy of both is to borrow enough money to get out of debt and let the next generation inherit the mortgage payments. For those who refuse both of these paradigms, there is a global protest with a simple message that has taken the politicians, the media and the super – rich (the one percent) by surprise. It is a message that transcends national borders, class distinctions, generations and even religious divisions. “We (the ninety-nine percent) are sick and tired of being ruled by your greed, your arrogance and your deception and it's time for your legions of armed mercenaries to stop trying to keep us quiet!” This proclamation is directed at financial institutions, government institutions, media spin doctors and multinational monopolies.

In essence, it is the universal message of all religion – that decency and compassion are the standards for success and respect, and that these exist in community, not in secret board rooms of the powerful. These crowds demonstrating a united opposition to the status quot give me hope for a brighter future, but I can't help wondering why the established religions are staying away in droves. Where are the Jehovah Witnesses? The Catholic Priests? The Evangelicals? The Moslem countries had their imams at the forefront of the effort to stop the brutal violence of their pathological dictators, but North American churches seem to be sound asleep. If they wait too long, their pastors and teachers might find the congregation throwing shoes at them!

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