scam: Company doesn't respect refund policy
I represent the legal department of an organization which less than 10 days ago purchased a license from dating script. Could all those positive reviews about datingscript be fake?
After buying their script, their customer service was absolutely slow and terrible. After my client bought their "premium license" for more than $USD 200, they then sought to charge my client more than $USD 600 to implement a revised design my client had created for their homepage.
Datingscript also claimed that you can get your money back within 10 days of buying their script, but having demanded our money back multiple times they have so far refused to return our money. They haven't even directly responded directly to a refund request that we sent them multiple times as if their intent is simply to "pretend" we never made the request.
Seems like their so-called "guarantee" is little more than a ploy to get you to part with your money under the false security that you can get your money back within 10 days.
What kind of company does business like this?
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