Letters and Editorials 4073 Views by Dr. Abdul Ruff

NATO Terror Wars accelerate Climatic Horrors

Since the NATO invasion and the subsequent terror wars in Islamic world the there have been drastic climatic horrors affecting the routine patterns of life on earth. Fast changing climatic behaviour could affect regions, human activities, and global progress, irreversibly unsettling the masses.

However, the scientists who work to earn money from colonial masters do not disclose the exact damage being inflicted upon the earth by the ongoing terror wars. The western world very tactfully, rather ‘diplomatically‘, avoids even mentioning of the impending danger to humanity if the wars continue as it is now, even if not further escalated by the ruling criminals.

And a major cause of this is the ongoing NATO led terror wars of deaths and destructions affecting the atmosphere, although the western scientists decline to attest this for fear of onslaught form their bosses just like the Wiki-leaks is now facing the wrath of criminal USA and other terorcracies despite not exposing the Sept-11 hoax so far but they fear that Wiki-leaks are at it and it should be stopped at any cost. Financial blockade has been slapped don Wiki-leaks.

American “war on terrorism” by presenting to the world an "Al Qaeda enemy" is substantively a covert war against Islamic populations. There substantial evidence that the whole War on Terrorism is an apparent cruel charade based upon deception perpetrated by the CIA and supported by Interpol and other allied agencies. The belligerent attack against the Libyan people has further destroyed more lives, and a vital cultural heritage in the Middle East.

If USA openly declares war on Islam can it court the support and funding from Arab rouge states? Other wise, there is no reason why the all powerful USA should decline to declare a war on Islam?

By using prohibited nuclear materials in weapons, the NATO war mongers have inflicted immeasurable and almost permanent injury to humanity and by using nuclear stuff they are also nuclear criminals liable for maximum punishment. .

The release of Depleted Uranium in Iraq from US weapons further proves the cynical frame of mind of US leaders. In 2010 the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health published a paper showing high rates of birth defects and cancer in Fallujah, Iraq after heavy fighting in 2004 which involved the suspected use of Uranium weaponry. The survey shows that hair of children born with congenital malformations in Fallujah had high levels of Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium, Aluminium, Bismuth, Mercury and Uranium. Of these, only Uranium is associated with cancer and birth defects. Uranium levels were significantly higher than expected on the basis of published measurements of uncontaminated populations. The levels were highest in the distal ends of the longest hair, which would have been growing in 2005.

The horror makes it perfectly clear that, in addition to armor-piercing rounds containing Uranium, a new generation of Uranium-based anti-personnel weapons exists. There are anomalously high genotoxic effects of Uranium on affected people. The use of Uranium cause shocking increases in cancer and congenital illness in innocent civilians.

It has been sufficiently revealed that climate change has had devastating affects on glaciers and latest sturdy has shows that devastating affects have been cast in the mountains of southwestern China. The region includes the Himalayas and other ranges that are part of the Tibetan highlands. There are some 24,488 glaciers that spread across the mountains of southwestern China, which includes the Himalayas and the Nyainqntanglha, Tanggula and Hengduan mountains. Together they make up an area of almost 30,000 square kilometres (12,000 square miles).

The research team has observed "significant" annual and seasonal warming trends, along with the "drastic retreat" and "large mass loss" of glaciers, which has led to an increase in the size of glacial lakes in the area. The data showed that between 1970 and 2001, the Pengqu basin's 999 glaciers lost a combined surface area of 131 square kilometres (51 square miles) and 12 cubic kilometres (3 cubic miles) of mass. The Gangrigabu Mountains also showed significant losses. There, some 102 glaciers disappeared between 1915 and 1980, equalling a loss of more than 41 square kilometres (16 square miles) in area and six cubic kilometres in mass (1.4 cubic miles). The Yalung glacier alone receded more than 1,500 meters (1 mile) between 1980 and 2001, resulting in a swelling of nearby glacial lakes.

Meltwater associated with glacier retreat could lead to floods, mud flows and rock falls, while storms affect traffic, tourism and economic development. Future studies will focus on the how climate change affects regional development. This could also subsequently lead to dry periods in India, for example." These risks don't just threaten the Himalaya region, he said, but other regions around the world, including the Alps in Europe. "The study confirms the global tendency that is clearly moving toward higher temperatures and receding glaciers

Temperatures in the Alps have likewise increased by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius per year, and glaciers are melting worldwide. Glacial loss is caused mainly by rises in temperature, especially in the high altitude regions. Some 77 percent of the 111 weather stations included in the study showed an increase of temperature from 1961 to 2008. The 14 weather stations above 4,000 meters (13,000 feet) showed an annual mean temperature increase of 1.73 degrees Celsius in that time. The time spans studied in the individual glacier areas are in part very different and thus difficult to compare with one another.

In a time period of between 10 and 20 years the increased glacier melt threatens to cause floods. The implications of these changes are far more serious that simply altering the landscape. The glaciers are an integral part of thousands of ecosystems and play a crucial role in sustaining human populations. This conclusion was driven by two inconsistencies. While increased temperature and precipitation in the Hengduan Mountains lead to glacial shrinkage, similar conditions yielded glacial growth in the Gangrigabu Mountains. Different glaciers behave in different ways and timescales, so it is important to monitor change of glaciers over the long-term.

Escalation of terror wars by an innocent looking Obama in Afghanistan and onset of a new war in sovereign Libya have added more misery to humanity. Many Libyans, as Iraqis and Afghans, and other people in the Middle East, who were not immediately killed by lawless bombing raids, now are hungry, homeless, and suffer from Depleted Uranium exposure. Such exposure brings radiation sickness, cancers, lukemias, child deformities, and miscarriages. This is what the U.S. and NATO have done to install the same Al Qaeda group that has been responsible for reported and unspeakable human rights violations.

When Obama, in stead of rolling back the terror wars initiated by his predecessors the Bush family, accelerated their cruelty, and also at the same time, accelerated the horrors of climatic change as well. Obama is guilty of crimes against humanity?

The whole USA and NATO expansionist agenda is spreading its "Big Lies" to a public who refuse to believe that their governments are capable of the lawlessness described by many a investigative researcher-humanist.

Today the top war criminals like Obama, Cameron, Blair, Sarkozy, Netanyahu, etc are the “democratic” rulers! And, Humanity is expected to tolerate these rogues and work for their survival!

Can the NATO terror syndicate and its leaders the USA-UK terror twins have any sense of reasoning to stop harming the humanity and earth?

About the writer:

Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs (CIA); Independent Analyst; Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university Teacher. Website: http://www.abdulruff.wordpress.com



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