Letters and Editorials 9650 Views by Misty

Economy: Too Much Money Spent on Space

Many countries around the world are starting to put more emphasis on doing research for space rather than to focus on the issues at hand. There are millions and millions of people in the world who do not have the basics in order to survive. Government funded programs should be taking care of the people that truly need help, instead the money needed is going to space programs and programs to try to prove aliens exist.

Space exploration has been taking precedence over very important topics such as feeding the country’s hungry, housing the homeless, and taking care of children who are on the streets. Many of these people have nowhere to go and will not have a meal for weeks sometimes months, meanwhile there are programs being funded that cost millions and millions of dollars to explore space.

Scientists are sending space crafts to Mars and other planets in order to discover the intelligent life elsewhere. Many think that this is just a waste of government funds. These programs have been a bit unsuccessful. We have yet to determine if there are any other living beings on other planets. Totals of billions of dollars have gone into these space programs while the government could be giving it to those in need.

Another cause that the government could be spending money on is the environment. Our ozone layer is suffering as well as landfills overflowing. Government funds could be put aside to help us save our planet before trying to explore others. We could put more money into helping to find ways to cut down on pollution and save our water supplies. We could also put money into helping to save animals whose lives are endangered because of the changing climates in their homes.

Many “earthlings” feel that going to space is just a waste of money that the government could be using to help those in need. With the high prices of housing, food, and schools some people believe that this money is being spent in a way that will not benefit the people here on earth. People opposed to space exploration feel that going into space will not save our planet, our environment, or even our human race. Those who do not support space exploration feel that this should be more of a hobby than something the government plays billions of dollars to fund.

There are many supporters of space exploration however. They feel that space exploration is a way to make contact with other intelligent life forms on other planets. They feel that we can find out great things about our universe through space exploration. They feel that medical and educational discoveries have been made by exploring space and if we continue to do so, we will learn more and more about other planets and possible intelligent life forms on those planets.

If you feel that the government is wasting money on space exploration, you should always voice your opinion. You can write or call your officials and let them know your concerns. Space exploration is important, but so is feeding our hungry and homeless.


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