Letters and Editorials 8242 Views Peter Tremblay

WE Charity: Andrew Scheer is a complete hypocrite on calls for Justin Trudeau's resignation

Andrew Scheer is the very last Member of Parliament who ought to be calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Indeed, Andrew Scheer had to announce his resignation many months ago as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada as a result of an arguably worse scandal on top of his already demonstrated profoundly incompetent leadership. This man throws stones from a veritable glass house.

In Andrew Scheer, we have a political party leader who not only misdirected public money to pay for his own children's private school education, but also a leader who attempted to sneak into becoming a prime minister of Canada as a U.S. citizen in the last federal election. After Scheer's U.S. citizenship was outed by various media outlets like the Toronto Star, Scheer declined to renounce his U.S. citizenship for "personal reasons." On top of this, Scheer has continued to conceal just how much public money was being funnelled to pay for his children's private school education.

Mr. Scheer, with all due respect, while Canadians can thank the Justin Trudeau government for saving lives during the pandemic by keeping the Canada–U.S. border closed to non-essential travel, you have done shit.

What you ought to do is to consider taking your sorry hypocrite self back to the States, and perhaps joining U.S. President Donald Trump's campaign, where your oppressive neo-con ideology would be welcomed.

While Justin Trudeau can claim a modicum of social separation from WE Charity activities related to his mother and brother, who are adults who don't live with him, 100 percent of the buck stops with you, Andrew Scheer, in your disgraceful exploitation of public trust to advance your own children in socially privileged institutions, which shows a lack of confidence in Canada's public school education system.

And, furthermore, at least we Canadians can be assured of the loyalty of Justin Trudeau to Canada, and not the reckless United States.

We Canadians can be thankful that Mr. Scheer never became prime minister.  After all, he stated his desire to deny wage subsidy support to Canadians during the pandemic, along with his apparent quest as a U.S. citizen to make Canada the 51st state of the United States. U.S. citizen Scheer arguably would have pursued an open-borders policy with the U.S. during the coronavirus pandemic with his fellow American lawmakers in U.S. Congress, who now seek such an open border and the overall giving-away of Canada to a U.S. political-military-industrial complex of big business interests.

About the writer:

Peter Tremblay is the author of the book Justin Trudeau, Judicial Corruption and the Supreme Court of Canada: Aliens and Archons in Our Midst.


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