UFO: Alien Spacecraft Speeds Towards Australia

Date: 15 May, 2016.

Place: State of New South Wales, Australia.

In recent times, the number of unidentified flying objects crossing the skies of the Australian Federation has increased very quickly, especially in the state of New South Wales.

For example, on 06 May, YouTube user Anna Toth uploaded a video which shows an alleged “rounded shaped” UFO moving near a passenger airplane. In that recording, it is possible to see a brilliant sphere crossing the plane’s trajectory at very high speed.

Then, a few days later, specifically on 15 May, YouTube user and UFO enthusiast SecureTeam10 published a video about an “unknown object speeding from the sea towards Australia”.  Using a flight tracker application, this person realised that the object would move “over 100 times” faster than any other plane.     

Scott C. Waring, from UFO Sightings Daily is of the opinion that “this UFO may not be alien at all”. “This could be a secret project that is headed by Bigelow Aerospace”, which is an agency created by the United States government “to make things like the TR3B, the Aurora Project, the Needles California blue UFO that crashed that was recovered by Janet planes and scientists”, among other incidents, Mr Waring stated.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2016/05/confirmed-ufo-caught-speeding-toward.html

Confirmed! UFO Caught SPEEDING Toward Australia From Sea! 5/17/16 Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  May 15, 2016

Location of sighting:  New South Wales, Ocean and Australia

This guy was watching a flight tracking radar using a cell phone app and caught a UFO shooting across the ocean in a straight line and 100X times the normal speed. This is a great report by SecurityTeam10 of Youtube.

This UFO may not be alien at all. This could be a secret project that is headed by Bigelow Aerospace. Thats an area of the govt that is paid to make things like the TR3B, the Aurora Project, the Needles California blue UFO that crashed that was recovered by Janet planes and scientists...you know where I going with this. Its ours...probably. Email or Tweet to Bigelow Aerospace and ask.

Scott C. Waring



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