UFO: White, Bright Alien Object Hovers Over St. Clair, MO

Date: 14 June, 2017.

Place: Saint Clair, Missouri State, United States.

On 14 June, in the village of Saint Clair, Missouri, a very strange event was reported.

According to the information collected in an anonymous report published on Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website, a “brilliant white colour” UFO was seen hovering above the small town.

“At approximately 06:00 hrs (Central Daylight Time), four (4) miles north of St. Clair, Missouri, while travelling southbound on Missouri State Highway 47, I noticed what appeared to be a high-altitude commercial or military jet moving at altitude from my due south towards my northwest, at what appeared to be a reasonable speed for what it should have been”, the witness related.

“The only anomalies I noticed were its brilliant, white colour (similar to the reflection of sunlight from a home slide or movie screen) and a narrow, vertical dark band just forward of the halfway point on the 'fuselage'”, he added.

The Missouri resident also commented that the object did not show any anomalous movement. “At no time did the trajectory vary, nor did the apparent speed. I expected this bright 'sunrise' reflection to dim or disappear, as the apparent angle to the sun and myself changed, but it never did the entire time I had it in sight (approximately 4 - 5 minutes)”, he affirmed. “For a short time, I considered that it might have been an ISS 'flash', or similar satellite 'flash', but I've seen those before and they are shorter in duration”, he commented.

After a few minutes, he was able to stop his car and take a better look at the object. He offered the following description: “my initial altitude estimate is changed to probably 10,000 feet, as opposed to an altitude where a vapour trail would be created. Concomitantly, my speed estimate is reduced from commercial/military jet speed to approximately 225 mph (plus or minus about 50 mph). By the time I could use the binoculars, the front of the object was not visible due to the angle. The 'fuselage' was square, and I estimate it at 6 ft. high and 6 ft. wide and about 24 - 30 ft. long, overall. The tail was a tapered, convex, cone shape comprising approximately the last 15% of the fuselage”.

The unnamed witness also declared: “there were no windows visible at all. There was no propeller in front or rear, no other 'pods' or engine nacelles, no emissions, no visible exhaust, no vapour trail(s), no nothing”.

“I lost sight of the object as it receded into the distance, pretty much out of range of the binoculars that I had, and I had to get going”, he expressed.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: https://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=84543&rnd=


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