Egghead-shaped Alien Humanoids Abduct Northern Ireland Man

Date: 13 April, 2017.

Place: Lisburn, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

On 13 April, a very unusual event occurred in the city of Lisburn, Ireland.

According to an anonymous report published on Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website, a local resident affirmed to have been abducted by “four black, egghead-shaped” entities while he was lying on his bed.

“I was in my back garden, waiting on the clouds to clear so I could watch the moon and Jupiter through a telescope at approximately midnight (London UK time)”, the witness related.

“I saw a bright star through the telescope as I was aiming toward Jupiter. I stayed on the star for about 30 seconds before it drastically speeded off to the left. I gazed at Jupiter after that, and tried to forget about it for personal reasons”, he continued.

However, this strange sighting would be the first indication of what was about to come. “I went to bed at about 1:00 a.m. I then, for the second night in a row, heard high pitched noises that sounded like Morris code but really fast. That had woke me up, but it felt like it was something trying to get my attention”, he described. “As I was looking round my room, I noticed that white and black tubes where receding of my bed, and the tartan pattern on my bed sheets was also doing this.

“I was scared and felt an urge to scream for help but at that moment I saw four black, egg head-shaped shadow figures varied in height size standing at the end of my bed”, the Northern Irish citizen stated. “I then panicked and went to get out of my bed, but at this moment a voice entered inside my head and told me, in what I can only describe as a robotic voice: ‘we won't disturb you from other people’”, he added.

“Although the voice was deep and scary, I felt comfortable to lie back and asked to see my mum again. At this moment, my room was filled with orbs and stars that felt like they were passing through me and I felt like I was getting closer to my mum as if my room was traveling through space and time”, the witness affirmed. “After about 2 minutes the orbs disappeared with the stars gradually a few at a time and then the pattern was back on my bed sheets and everything felt normal”.

The Lisburn resident expressed that the entities did not caused him any physical or psychological damage. “I felt highly emotional but grateful to be back. They, whoever they were, obviously didn't hurt me and calmed me when I felt distressed”, he asserted.

Draw your own conclusions…

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