UFO Journalism Kickstarter Campaign Invites Your Support

Do you value our articles on UFOs and alleged alien activities?  If so, please "Click" red graphic DONATE button above this article AND above the view. 

PLEASE make a donation via PayPal in support of our not-for-profit research efforts.  We appreciate your support. 
Thank you gifts for your donation pledges are listed below this article.

Campaign started
- March 2, 2018

Amount pledged / raised so far - $56

Goal by March 10, 2018 - $2500

Look up at the sky. When was the last time you did that? Take a long, hard look on a clear night. Take in the darkness. Take in the depth. Take in the mystery. Let your mind wander and imagine what’s up there. For years now, people have been looking up at that same sky and seeing things. Everybody knows this. Everybody has heard the term UFO. Still, there is very little hard evidence one way or the other. What are those people seeing? What can we learn from them? The more we are willing to look, the more we are likely to see and in turn to learn.

Here at The Canadian, we have made it our mission to study the UFO phenomenon. It is our hope that in doing so we can discern some knowledge with regards to alien life and then some knowledge with regards to human life: our origins, our present condition, and perhaps even our future. There is something more up there in the sky, something other than darkness and depth and mystery. There are answers. We intend to find those answers, and we will not stop looking until we do.

Right now, we have come to you, for help raising $2500. This startup capital will cover the costs of launching and marketing our efforts, bringing us to the forefront of UFO research. Your contributions will go a long way toward bringing the skies ever closer to our eyes and its mysteries ever closer to our minds.

Help support our efforts to spread further public awareness about UFO and to explore human origins in relation to reported alien activities.

** "Click" the red DONATE graphic button above this article to make a donation via PayPal.**

Here are some THANK YOU gifts for you -

Donate - $50 - We'll show you how to get more advertisers to your site and provide you with SEO tips

Donate - $100 - We will provide you with one hour consultation on how to self-publish your book

Donate - $150 - Get a can of 100% Canadian Maple Syrup in the mail.

Donate - $250 - Get a compilation of the most widely read UFO and alien related articles we have published

Donate - $500
- We will provide you with a graphic and text link on our homepage for one month as a sponsor

Donate - $1500
- We will provide you with a graphic and text link on our homepage for six months

Donate - $2500 -  We will provide you with a graphic and text link on our homepage for one year


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