Seven Anti-Aging Superfoods prevent wrinkling

If you eat right you will look younger, it’s as simple as that. This wrinkle free diet explains the 7 super-foods that will help erase lines and turn back time on the inside and out.

Anti-Wrinkle Diet: Blueberries

1. Best for Smoothing Fine Lines: Blueberries

These amazing little blue wonders contain more antioxidants than almost any other super-food. Delivering extra protection against the free-radicals which damage your skin as a result of emotional stress and sun exposure.

Serving: One-half cup every day will help to prevent the cell-structure damage that can lead to fine lines, loss of firmness and wrinkles.


Anti-Wrinkle Diet: Pomegranates2. Best for Softening Skin: Pomegranates

Pomegranate fruit, one of the most expensive fruits grown and sold locally in Thailand (approximately 50 Baht or $1.40 per bottle of juice), is jam packed with vitamin C, whilst containing both punicalagin and ellagic acid, t making them an essential anti-aging fruit.

Pomegranates are a super-nutrient that increases your body’s capacity to preserve collagen, the subdermal connective tissue that makes skin look smooth, tight and firm. Much like Resveratrol which is a polyphenol compound that fights damage from free radicals.

Serving: One cup of pomegranate seeds, twice a week.

Anti-Wrinkle Diet: Cold-water Fish3. Best for Reducing Redness: Cold-Water Fish

Consuming only 2 servings of fish a week can reduce terrible skin inflammations, such as psoriasis and eczema.

Sardines, mackerel and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids, will help strengthen skin-cell membranes, trapping the moisture in.

Serving: To avoid mercury contamination, no more than six 6-ounce portions a week.


Anti-Wrinkle Diet: Spinach4. Best for Firming: Spinach and Kale

Spinach and Kale contain special antioxidant compounds or phytonutrients, that help protect against sun damage. Spinach is loaded with lutein and beta-carotene, two nutrients that according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, improves skin elasticity and thus reduces wrinkles.

Serving: Three servings of either kale or spinach per week.


Anti-Wrinkle Diet: Watermelon5. Best for a Dewy Complexion: Watermelon

Watermelon is a refreshing, sweet treat containing one of the most important anti-oxidants – vitamin C. Watermelon also contains potassium and lycopene, which regulates the balance of nutrients and water in cells.

Serving: At least one to two per week.



Anti-Wrinkle Diet: Green Tea6. Best for Diminishing Brown Spots: Green Tea

Green Tea, which contains a high concentration of polyphenols (antioxidants that combat free-radical oxidative damage and can reverse the effects of aging), and catechins (one of the most effective compounds for protecting against sun damage such as hyperpigmentation), are what makes this a wonderful anti-aging supplement.

Serving: One cup a day will deliver results in as little as one month.


Anti-Wrinkle Diet: Olive Oil7. Best for a Healthy Glow: Olive Oil

Olive Oil contains the “good fats” that are highly effective as they contain heart-healthy omega-3′s, improving circulation, leaving skin supple and rosy.

Serving: One tablespoon a day.



Resveratrol is best for scrubbing arteries and diminishing dark circles, wrinkles, sagging and more.

Resveratrol is now considered to the most powerful anti oxidants that not only stimulates an immediate anti-aging rejuvenation of the skin, but works on the inside as well, keeping your arteries squeaky clean whilst drastically reducing cholesterol and therefor the risk of heart related illnesses.

Used for centuries by the islanders of Okinowa and Sardinia, who boast the highest number of centenarians per capita globally, where many in their 90′s and beyond continue to work, consumed on a daily basis, this polyphenol is currently being intensively studied by Glaxo Smith Kline (manufactures of Alli, the West’s number 1 weight loss pill), in the hope of fully unlocking this anti-oxidants incredible longevity benefits.

This is now argued to be the ultimate wrinkle free diet and longevity food source to fight and slow down aging, both outwardly and inwardly.

About the writer:

Rob Carmichael has done research on Retinol Resveratrol Supplements which are shown todeliver the most effective anti-aging ingredients


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